Agenda Nov. 27, 2012 Socratic Seminar Questions Vocab. Inclusion: 1 word from the following Units (highlight each)- Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Calendar Update/Review
Website Update As you finalize your Website, keep in mind that the information your team provides needs to be organized and designed in a fashion that is: Reader- Friendly, Accessible, and Appealing to the eye of ALL VIEWERS *Ensure that you’re referring to the provided rubric for this Problem-Solving Collaboration Project Steps for Locating a Theme Design Steps for Literary Work Link Placement 1.Go to template 2.Click on “More” tab (top right) 3.Select “Manage Site” 4.On left sidebar select “Pick a Theme” 5.Pick one, and Go! If you are not able to create a link for your Literary Work(s), follow these procedures: 1.Provide a link to (which can be copy & pasted from my Blog). 2.Provide the Author’s Name, Title of Literary Work, page numbers.
Debate Schedule Tues., Nov. 27 Wednes. Nov. 28 Thurs. Nov. 29 Friday Nov. 30 AlliehaleyNadiaMeera KyarapeytonKaitlynSehrish jamesxavierWilliamkya LeonardKaterina Legalizing organ trade Body modificatio n in the work place Animal Testing Parental Choices & Children
Debate: Organ Trade Pro: Kyara Comer & Allie Higgs Con: James Jackson
Debate Schedule Fri., Nov. 30 Johnny War on Terror
Magnet Student Senior Project Presentation Schedule Wednes., Dec. 5 Thurs., Dec. 6 JasonWilliam LeonardJohnny Casey Kyara Haley Allie Casey Kyara Haley Allie
Homework ** Warning…LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED AT THIS POINT IN THE SEMESTER…** ** Learning Center Work…See Group Leader for Individual Deadlines ** Nov. 26: Socratic Seminar Notes/Discussion/Expectations Nov. 26 : Due: Completed Presidential Synthesis Task Nov. 26: Bring Vocab. Book to Class Nov : Debates/Persuasive Speeches Nov. 29: Distribute copies of Shakespeare’s Othello/ In-class Reading/procedure discussion Nov. 29: Due: Socratic Seminar Questions for Things Fall Apart (follow provided format) Nov. 30: Learning Center Website Completed Nov. 30: IRB #2 (The Alchemist): Lit. Circle Mtg #1/Discussion Dec. 3: Claim/Evidence Draft 3 Editing and Publish-Ready Editing Circles (CS & EM) Dec. 4: Socratic Seminar on Achebe’s Things Fall Apart Dec. 5-6: Magnet Senior Project Presentations