RN MBES Training Rick Read Flagship Training Ltd
In the Beginning Theoretical topic - Senior Instructor attended UNB Course No. 2 in Denmark. 1996 – RN purchased Fansweep 20 Fitted to SMB Nesbitt at RN Hydrographic School
Early trials initiated to establish capability and limitations and subsequent fit to HMS Gleaner. Calibration and subsequent training hampered by secrecy of manufacturer. Much time lost by motion sensor engineer and MBES engineer not being onboard at the same time.
Training Classroom theory then supported by use of operational system. Fansweep was used to ‘demonstrate’ a multibeam system to all courses. Long course students used system for practical surveys from 1999, but in conjunction with other ‘conventional’ methods.
Hydromap software purchased with Fansweep used line by line cleaning with some Caris software included. Processing software was slow and algorithms behind cleaning methods not always clearly understood.
Operational Aspects Slow ping rate (2pps) meant operational sonar coverage still achieved by towed side scan sonar. Recognition of importance of 100% overlap to allow ‘check’ view of targets. Development of software and online ‘fixes’ in only two vessels caused early difficulties with commonality.
2000 RN decision to fit EM 1002 and EM3000 to new ships and boats accelerated all aspects of MBES training. EM3000 fitted in SMB at Hydro School Post processing software (Neptune + Caris GIS) and computers were fitted in chartroom as copy of onboard layout.
Local trials established SOPs for RN use and training continues on this basis. Use of common on line software (Merlin) allowed ship EM 1002 training from SMB. POS(MV) training included in both theory and practical.
Survey Planning Training shifted away from conventional single beam / side scan ‘scale controlled’ surveys to take account of MBES. Line spacing, speed of advance and overlap policy were contained within concept of ‘data density’.
2005 Fitting of multibeam to all RN Survey vessels is being implemented this year. Further SMB for training now fitted with EM3002. All trainees receive multibeam theory and practical experience.
Comments / Discussion Starters Recent fitting of ships with updated hardware and software has led to commonality difficulties. EM3000 v EM3002. Merlin v SIS.
Comments Recent introduction of Caris HIPS and Fledermaus into RN post processing tool box has increased the training load. Ideally students need to focus attention on one package ie: Neptune + Fledermaus However students adapt more readily if fully confident in one software regime.
Comments Proliferation of Hotfixes and new versions, many of which are customer driven, requires training and SOP changes. How to get this to deployed ships? Post processing features appear before ‘The Organisation’ is ready or able to accept results ie: CUBE
Comments Training in operation requires finger familiarity, and adherence to a set of procedures. Broader is required in understanding errors, new sonar acoustical concepts the integration of computers, motion sensors, as well as statistical cleaning algorithms. Broader education is required in understanding errors, new sonar acoustical concepts the integration of computers, motion sensors, as well as statistical cleaning algorithms.
Comments Multibeam emphasis has led to the timid use of boats. Surveyor now has many tools in the box and requires clear information on the rationale for the survey. These operational choices often need re- education of hierarchy in standards and reasons for surveys.