Worship, service, and devotion to anything in place of God Romans 1:23-25 – “exchanging” God or His truth for something else
Exodus 20:5… He is a “jealous God”… – Idolatry is spiritual harlotry/adultery “Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy?” (1 Corinthians 10:22).
What is it that gives your life meaning, purpose, and fulfillment? What would you not give up to serve the Lord? What are you most passionate about (consumes your time, energy and affection)? What is it that you let displace God’s rightful place in your life?
Educational Vocational Recreational Spiritual
The education myth says: – It will make you wise – It will give you a secure future – It will bring you contentment – It will bring you power – I can get ahead of others Are you sacrificing your family, too much of the money God gave you, or your relationship w/ God for education?
Just because we say “I am supporting my family” or “I am obeying the Lord in not being lazy” does not mean that our work is not an idol God wants us to work (2 Thess. 3:10)… But He does not want our work to be what we are living for!
Have one of your hobbies or recreational activities become an idol? Are you violating God’s will while having fun with your hobby? Does your hobby consume too much of your time?
Spiritual activities cannot make up for: – Our sin – A lack of personal time w/ God – A growth in personal fruitfulness for God – A lack of personal evangelism Are out motivations right in our spiritual activities? Are we trusting in our attending spiritual activities to be our salvation?
Educational Vocational Recreational Spiritual
Protect Your Relationship With God By: – Staying faithful in your spiritual disciplines – Examining yourself weekly to make sure you are being faithful to God. (2 Cor 13:5)
What is it that gives your life meaning, purpose, and fulfillment? What would you not give up to serve the Lord? What are you most passionate about? What consumes your time, energy and affection?