Ch. 2, S1 p Class Notes The First People
Scientists Study Remains Prehistory- time before there was writing Writing was invented c. yrs. ago Mary & Louis Leakey- famous archaeologists who discovered bones in East Africa – an early ancestor of humans – a relative who lived in the past
Hominids and Early Humans Homo habilis = “handy human” Closely related to modern humans Larger brain Homo erectus = “upright man” Walked completely upright Controlled fire started by lightning – Cook food – Heat – Protection against animals Homo sapiens = “wise man” Characteristics of modern humans- (we are this group) Create fire Developed language
Africa – where earliest known hominid bones found! Key-- Scientists do not know when or where first humans lived!
Why Bipedalism?
“Ignore him. He just walks that way to bug his parents.”
Stone Age: – Divided into periods – Divided into three periods – Divisions based on kinds of used at the time – Divisions based on kinds of tools use Part I = Paleolithic (pay-lee-uh-LI-thik) Era (many events) Old Stone Age = - c. 10,000 yrs. ago - people used stone tools Stone Age Tools
First tools = Choppers – Rocks with one jagged edged – Used to Cut, Chop, Scrape roots, bones, or meat Hand ax = Flint (usually) – Used to Break tree limbs Dig Cut animal hides Spear = Hand ax with wooden handle – Used to Throw and attack Hunt larger animals
Hunter-gatherer Societies Society = a community of people whocommon culture Society = a community of people who share a common culture Hunter-gatherers = people who hunt animals and gather wild plants, seeds, fruits, and nuts to survive
“Anthropologists believe...” Why?... Live in groups? – Share... Shelter Water Food Who?... Hunted? Who?... Gathered? – Collected food – Child rearing Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Language, Art, & Religion
Most important development of early Stone Age culture = language Theories as to why language developed? – Group hunting – Form relationships – Distribute (divide among a group) food
Another way people...
re·li·gion n. 1.a. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. b. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. 2. The life or condition of a person in a religious order. 3. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader. 4. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
Evidence of Early Religious Beliefs? Graves with food and artifacts (You do not need to copy this, but you may...) Why would archaeologists call this evidence of religious beliefs?