Why do we need to reach out to caregivers of Seniors? Canada-wide there are 8.1 million caregivers of seniors or 28% of the Canadian population. They contribute between 25$ and 26$ billion dollars in unpaid labour to the Canadian healthcare system; 25% are in a ‘Sandwich’ generation, meaning having to take care of children, elderly parents and assume paid work; 12.6$ million dollars per year is spent (out-of-pocket) in caregiving related costs; 6.1 million caregivers are in the workforce – where loss of productivity in reduced time or time off/ leave contributing 1.3$ billion dollars in loss time. Source: Canadian Caregiver Coalition;
Caregiving Considered Caregiving Considered …( Lifestyle, Risks and life cycle)
Preventing Caregiver burnout and Placement It is essential that communities provide supports for caregivers of seniors: To break isolation To provide respite- normal life activities, and stimulation and maintenance of abilities for loved one. To help the caregiver maintain well-being and as well maintain standard of care to their loved one over time. Placement is often looked upon with apprehension for the caregiver’s loved one and creates stress in the transition to a home for both the caregiver and cared person.
Services offered Information workshops Themes that help caregivers in their work taking care of their loved ones. Themes include: Understanding Prescription medication (August 2015) Falling prevention in the home (September 2015) Legal Aspects and Planning (October 20 th 2015) About Alzheimer’s Disease (October 27 th 2015) Working with Professionals as a Caregiver (November 10 th 2015) Health and Nutrition (November 24 th 2015) Community resources for caregivers (January 26 th 2016) Caregiver Stress & Burnout (February 9 th 2016) Support groups Support groups Support groups are composed of 4 to 8 caregivers of seniors (closed group). Support group sessions are held on Monday evenings for four weeks. Offered four times in the course of Main benefits: Cathartic (‘Venting’) Provides respite Creates a network of other caregivers Individual counselling (home visits possible)
Special Events Caregiver recognition Quebec’s Caregiver week (1 st week of November): Caregiver’s Appreciation Day (November 3 rd ) At La Maison des Arts of Laval. Conference by Dr. Lise Gagnon, Psychologist and expert in aging and cognitive loss.
Please get the word out! Thank you! Lise Montagne: Ian Williams: (450)