Danville Community College Free Summer Math Bridge Program Donald Pippin Middle College Director Great Expectations Coordinator Developmental Math Instructor February 7, :30 – 10:45
Danville Community College Joined Achieving the Dream in 2004 Became a Leader College in DCC has undertaken many initiatives, but the Summer Bridge will be the focus of discussion today.
Danville Community College: Location Open-admissions comprehensive two-year institution of higher education One of 23 community colleges in the Virginia Community College System Established in 1967 with Danville Technical Institute and VPI Serves 145,000 citizens in Danville, Pittsylvania County, and Halifax County Located in South Central Virginia near the North Carolina border 86-acre campus two miles from downtown Danville on South Main Street 6741 students 58% Female 42% Male 41% African American 56 % White 3% Other
Danville Community College: Demographics HeadcountFTE’s% Assessed into one or more dev. classes Program- placed students receiving financial aid 6,7412,91046%4,409
BMW’s No one will attend Cannot review all COMPASS math in a week Who will pay for the students/instructor Who would really what to teach four nights for four hours What high school seniors attend
Summer Math Bridge Program History To refresh basic math skills for high school seniors To introduce algebra skills to displaced workers To review all skills for GED recipients To help first year students test out of developmental math
Summer 2009 Pilot class Met 16 hours for one week Met July 27 to August 8 (5:00-9:00) Used Pearson software as a resource Free to students COMPASS Math retest on August 9
Spring 2011 Pilot class in Pittsylvania County Public Schools Taught at Vocational center to high school seniors Taught during regular school day All but one student (IEP) improved on COMPASS All tested out of Math 2 to Math 3 Some tested out a developmental math altogether
Summer 2011 Three class for two weeks each Used two new instructors First class met July 18 to July 29 (10:00-12:00) Second class met August 1 to August 11(1:00-3:00) Third class met August 1 to August 11 (5:30-7:30)
Summer 2012 Offered 37 sections in four location Offered morning afternoon, and evening 118 attended 25% exempted out of all nine units 90% exempted one or more units Started on June 18 offering session every two weeks until August 6 Times: 10:00-12:00, 2:30-4:30, 5:30-7:30
Questions Muddy Water Paper Door prizes