This is the Israeli Flag. In the middle is the star of David.
Absolute Location: N, E Relative Location: Surrounded by Egypt, Lebanon, and Mediterranean Sea Physical Place: Mountainous, Desert-like Movement: Majority travels by car Some ride camels This is a map of Israel. Israel has a cone-like figure.
B.C. Hebrew people came to Israel Arabs came when British was ruling ( ) Disagreements with Jewish settlers and Arabs started 1947 British stopped it’s ruling because they couldn’t settle the harm between Jews and Palestinian Arabs This is the Western Wall. It is the remains of the first temple created in Israel.
Israel is a developed country More than 90% of citizens live in urban area Infant Mortality Rate: 4.28 Literacy Rate: 97.1% Life Expectancy: yrs. Israel per capita GDP= $28,900 USA per capita GDP= $48,000 This is a fruit vendor. These are what some people’s jobs are.
Type of Government: Democracy- A type of government that is run by a person that is elected by the people Run by a president Prime minister leads the government Laws are produced by people in the Knesset Voting age is 18 Current prime minister is Ehud Olmert This is Israel’s Prime Minister. Ehud Olmert.
Main Religions: Jewish, Muslim, Christian Main Languages: Hebrew, Arabic Holidays: Pesach- reminds Jews of their escape from Egypt Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur- Jewish celebrations of the New Year Ramadan- Muslim’s fasting month Christmas- Christian’s remembrance of Jesus These are brothers who speak Hebrew
Population: 7,112,359 Growth Rate: 1.713% Life Expectancy: Male: Female: 95.9% Literacy Rate: Male: 98.5% Female 95.9% This is some of the public that is represented in the facts.
Weddings: Religious representers are required at weddings Jews have Rabbis Muslims have Khadis Christians have associates of their clergy Eating and praying: Jewish families celebrate Shabbat on Jews do this by eating with their family Friday is the Jewish holy day The Muslim holy day is Friday Christian holy day is Sunday Christians go to church on Sunday This is people coming home for the Sabbath.
Family: Father and mother aren’t equal They both have great authority Women have jobs that are outside the home 7.5% of families live in a Kibbutz or Moshav Kibbutz is where you divide up area, food, work Moshav is where families are apart but help supply the needs of the village Schools: Offer religious and regular schools Taught in Arabic or Hebrew No price until 10 th gr. Held 6 days a week
Gestures: Most commonly a hand shake Women might hug each other if they are good friends Good male friends will hit one another on the back Orthodox citizens wont make physical contact in public
“State of Israel” Culture Grams 5 Mar d_country.php?contid=3&wmn=asia&cid=7 9&cn=israel d_country.php?contid=3&wmn=asia&cid=7 9&cn=israel “Israel” CIA World Factbook 24 February Mar world-factbook/geos/is.html -world-factbook/geos/is.html Sajer, Robert J. People Places and Change Austin: