Dorset Squared Sarah Watson Whistle stop tour of Local Action for Rural Communities
What is Local Action? European Union Programme Rural Development Programme for England Delivered in local areas by and for local people
What is Local Action? Bottom up Approach Partnerships and Networking Innovation
The techie bit Adding value to the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) Axis 4 Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3
Local Action in the South West Addressing economic under performance Improving provision and access to services Harnessing wider economic value from sustainable environmental quality Developing local governance
Local Action in Dorset
Local Action in Dorset: Chalk and Cheese
Chalk and Cheese The aim of the Programme: “Support existing and encourage new sustainable land and marine based enterprises which rely on, and contribute to, the quality and understanding of our unique and beautiful environment.”
Chalk and Cheese Achieved through.... Developing the entrepreneurship and skills required to utilise the economic opportunities created through the development of an enhanced environment
Chalk and Cheese Achieved through.... Creating opportunities for land and marine based enterprise to improve their economic performance through innovative activity that adds value to and enhances our unique environment and so provides an economic basis for the long term sustainable management of our countryside and coast
Chalk and Cheese Achieved through.... Supporting enterprises and communities to work in partnership to play an active role in developing and celebrating Dorset environment based economy and culture and accessing the opportunities it provides
By The keys to success Robust and inclusive decision making process Strategic long term beneficial impact Clear focus on what we want to achieve We need you!
Note: The proposal must achieve an average score of more than 3 to be approved by the Local Action Group Strongly disagree DisagreeNeither agree or disagree AgreeStrongly agree A. This proposal is led by the community 1⃞1⃞ 2⃞2⃞ 3⃞3⃞ 4⃞4⃞ 5⃞5⃞ B. This proposal is innovative 1⃞1⃞ 2⃞2⃞ 3⃞3⃞ 4⃞4⃞ 5⃞5⃞ C. There is a clearly identified need for this project 1⃞1⃞ 2⃞2⃞ 3⃞3⃞ 4⃞4⃞ 5⃞5⃞ D. This proposal fits strategically with what the LAG is trying to achieve 1⃞1⃞ 2⃞2⃞ 3⃞3⃞ 4⃞4⃞ 5⃞5⃞ E. This proposal will bring long term benefit to the area 1⃞1⃞ 2⃞2⃞ 3⃞3⃞ 4⃞4⃞ 5⃞5⃞ F. This proposal is of a high quality 1⃞1⃞ 2⃞2⃞ 3⃞3⃞ 4⃞4⃞ 5⃞5⃞ Voting Slips
Any comments or ideas you have that would help the development of the proposal: