De Jonge v. Oregon John Salinkas
Case facts Case heard: December 9th,1936 Defendant: Dirk De Jonge Decided by Chief Justice Charles E. Hughes Respondent: Oregon
What Happened On July 27 of 1934, in Portland Oregon, the police raided a meeting held by the communist party. Dirk De Jonge was arrested and charged with the violation of the Criminal Syndicalism Law of Oregon.
Critical Question Were the charges pressed against Dirk De Jonge in violation of the Due Process Clause? Was this a violation of the First Amendment?
Ruling Conviction violated both First and 14 th Amendment. Evidence showed he took no active part in teaching of Criminal Syndicalism. The Conviction was reversed
Work cited
United States v. Stevens Argued October 6 th, 2009 Robert Stevens knowingly sold videos of illegal dog fights convicted under the Pennsylvania Federal District Court – Violation of 18 U.S.C section 48 Claimed it was a violation of his freedom of speech. Court agreed it was unconstitutional.