CS 101-E Announcements
22 Jan 2007 Office Hours Office Hours Start this week, hours are posted on class website Start this week, hours are posted on class website Reminders Reminders Labs are due Sunday, 8:30 p.m. Labs are due Sunday, 8:30 p.m. TA available in OLS 001, Sunday, 5-6:30 p.m. TA available in OLS 001, Sunday, 5-6:30 p.m. Homeworks are due Friday, by 10 a.m. Homeworks are due Friday, by 10 a.m.
24 January 2007 First homework will be available on class website some time on Friday First homework will be available on class website some time on Friday Due following Friday at 10:00 a.m. Due following Friday at 10:00 a.m. variables, expressions, types, Scanner class variables, expressions, types, Scanner class Used Clicker Market Used Clicker Market hp/ClickerMarket hp/ClickerMarket hp/ClickerMarket hp/ClickerMarket
5 February 2007 Lab 1 grades have been sent Lab 1 grades have been sent Regrade process Regrade process HW2 HW2 on Vectors, due Friday, 10:00 a.m. on Vectors, due Friday, 10:00 a.m. JCreator bug JCreator bug HW 3 – if statements (flowcharts) HW 3 – if statements (flowcharts) Course projects Course projects We will provide you with a list to vote on soon We will provide you with a list to vote on soon Textbook Chapter 3 Textbook Chapter 3
Clicker Registration Test 1. My clicker works 2. My clicker does not work 3. Not sure if clicker works 4. I refuse to answer
7 Feb 2007 Course project Course project Vote in next lab’s survey Vote in next lab’s survey Connect 4 Connect 4 Hunt the Wumpus Hunt the Wumpus Oregon Trail Oregon Trail Civilization (Civ) Civilization (Civ) Lab 4 – More on using objects Lab 4 – More on using objects Using references Using references harvester harvester Homework 3 Homework 3 More on using objects More on using objects
12 Feb 2007 HW 3 HW 3 PirateSpeak.java PirateSpeak.java Remember to put your test code in the comments (See HW1 guidelines) Remember to put your test code in the comments (See HW1 guidelines) Midterm Midterm Next Wednesday, in class Next Wednesday, in class 50 minutes 50 minutes We’ll discuss content on Wednesday We’ll discuss content on Wednesday CS 101 slides and textbook are the reference material CS 101 slides and textbook are the reference material Lecture videos available at class website Lecture videos available at class website
Honor Policy If you find yourself looking at somebody else's code, and doing such was not explicitly allowed, then you are in violation of this policy! If you find yourself looking at somebody else's code, and doing such was not explicitly allowed, then you are in violation of this policy! Any honor violation or cheating will be referred to the honor committee, and will result in an immediate failure for the course, regardless of the outcome of the honor trial or your other grades. Any honor violation or cheating will be referred to the honor committee, and will result in an immediate failure for the course, regardless of the outcome of the honor trial or your other grades. No exceptions! No exceptions!
Course project ideas These results are with just the 101 students reporting (not 101-E): n = 290 These results are with just the 101 students reporting (not 101-E): n = 290 Reporting: 83 females, 178 males (29 didn’t respond) Reporting: 83 females, 178 males (29 didn’t respond) And all are on a scale of 0-4 And all are on a scale of 0-4 AverageFemales Males Wumpus: Wumpus: Oregon Trail: Oregon Trail: Civilization: Civilization: Connect-4: Connect-4:
Selected course project comments Civilization.java would be a terrible bastardization of a wonderful game. Please never suggest it again. Sorry, but it just isn’t meant to be. Civilization.java would be a terrible bastardization of a wonderful game. Please never suggest it again. Sorry, but it just isn’t meant to be. How about Pokemon… How about Pokemon… I would REALLY like to do the text-based game, Zork: I would REALLY like to do the text-based game, Zork: World of Warcraft World of Warcraft Halo 3 Halo 3 When will we be working on this? When will we be working on this?
When Are the Clickers Really Going to Work? 1. Today 2. Next week 3. Not sure if clicker will ever work 4. um,...