Who Caused The Whitman Massacre ? By CINTHIA GUIZAR
There are many perspectives on events in history. There were two main perspective about who caused the Whitman Massacre. One point of view is from the Whitman and the other is from the Cayuse Indians. Both perspectives are leading up to and beyond the Whitman Massacre are important.I will begin with the Indians perspective and follow with the Whiteman's perspective.
Four Indian men ask William Clark to send missionaries so they could understand the Whiteman and his god. (knives,axes,carvings.)
The Whitmans came and built a mission. According to the Indians the Whitmans were trying to convert their ideas into the Whitmans ideas. (1god,2education.)The Indians did not like what the missionaries were teaching them and they had too much rules.
With the start of the Oregon Trail in 1842 diseases were brought to the Indians. Then DR. Whitman was trying to kill them with poison.
The Cayuse Indians killed DR. Whitman which sent a signal to kill anyone who got in their way.
They also took hostages. Treaties – didn`t know really what they were signing xing. Made promises that were not kept. Later on they were even kicked off the reservation.
Four Indian men travel to St. Louis to talk to William Clark. The reason missionaries came to Oregon Country was because Indians requested them William Clark.
Marcus and Narcissa Whitman and the Spaldings start missions in Oregon Country.The Indians wanted to learn the Whiteman's religion, Marcus and Narcissa Whitman started Whitman Mission near what is known as Walla Walla.
Pioneers start traveling the Oregon trail. In 1842 the Oregon trail brought many settlers to Oregon country. The Whitman mission was stopping and resting point for these settlers. The missionaries believed they were helping the Indians by educating them and teaching the Whiteman's religion.
According to Eliza Spaldings who was 10 years old said the doctor was helping the Indians get medicine when an Indian hit him with a tomahawk and killed him. That signaled the attack on the other white people at the mission.
Governor Stevens between the years asked the Indians in councils to sigh treaties which gave away their land and put them on reservations.
Who I think that caused the Whitman Massacre is!! I think both the Indian and the Whiteman did it because it`s all cause and effect. So it`s like the Whitmans give medicine to the Indians they die and they kill the Whitmans and that started the Whitman Massacre. So that’s who I think that caused the Whitman Massacre.