1 SDMX-initiative for exchanging national accounts data
2 Principal goal: International exchange of all national accounts data via SDMX, from 2014 onwards
3 Organisation Group of SDMX Sponsors Mandate to Steering Group SDMX-NA, consisting of the ECB, Eurostat and the OECD Objective: “… the implementation of SDMX in national accounts according to SNA 2008 and the development, implementation and maintenance of the respective Data Structure Definitions (DSDs) for global use …”
4 Planning Q1, 2012: Inventory of stakeholder needs Q2-Q3, 2012: Development of the DSDs for national accounts for global use Q3-Q4, 2012: Consultation of NA Expert Groups Q4, 2012 – Q2, 2013: Pilot projects Q4, 2012 – Q2, 2013: Fine tuning of the DSDs Q3, 2013: Release (availability in SDMX registry and on SDMX website) Q3, 2013 – Q2, 2014: Adaptation of production systems Q3, 2014: Start regular data transmission
5 Points for discussion Suggestion for issues for further consideration? Suggestions for communication to and involvement of countries? Countries interested in participating in pilot projects?