Frequent but untimely data in LAC Joao Pedro Azevedo LCSPP 4/20/20111Are we in trouble?
The Context Heterogeneous region – High capacity middle income countries – Low capacity IDA countries Multiple stakeholders – Demand and Supply 4/20/2011Are we in trouble?2
Yes, there is frequent data in the region… CountryMeanAvg. MinAvg. MaxN Latin America Subtotal The Caribbean Subtotal Total /20/2011Are we in trouble?3 Summary statistics of Household survey years from the LAC region:
… and it is getting better. 4/20/2011Are we in trouble?4
And this is happening not just in terms of the standard household survey… Population census Agriculture census Labor Force Surveys Living Standard Surveys Income and Expenditure Surveys Administrative records Market research data Tailored made surveys for specific programs 4/20/2011Are we in trouble?5
But this is still not good enough, when the crisis hit, several countries did not know what was happening to their population… CountryMeanMinMaxN Bolivia Mexico Nicaragua El Salvador Bahamas Belice Dominican R Haiti Jamaica Suriname /20/2011Are we in trouble?6 Just to name the ones in which there are data delays… several Caribbean islands still do not have regular surveys
MEXICO - Labor Income Poverty Index (LIPI) (U$ 2.5 a day) Q – Q April 20117Are we in trouble?
Some challenges… 4/20/2011Are we in trouble?8 Coordination (internal and external) Documentation and Access Harmonization and Comparability – Ex-ante – Ex-post Not enough rigorous designs to improve survey instruments in the region Little data to understand mobility in the region
How the next two weeks can help… Improvements in data collection (i.e. continuous household surveys) Exploring alternative always to use existing data (i.e. LIPI and imputation methods) New ways of collecting data (i.e. mobile phone) Better ways to manage data Coordination initiatives (i.e. poverty committees) 4/20/2011Are we in trouble?9
LAC Team for Statistical Development 4/20/2011Are we in trouble?10
LAC Data Portal 4/20/2011Are we in trouble?11
Microdata Harmonization 4/20/2011Are we in trouble?12
IT TAKES TIME AND RESOURCES … But make no mistake. 4/20/2011Are we in trouble?13