How to complete the Common Application Form 2015 The CAF (Common Application Form) can be used to apply for City College, Varndean and Bhasvic. If you want to apply to Plumpton College, Northbrook or Lewes 6th Form College, you will need to use their own forms. These are available from the Careers Room. Deadline for ALL applications is 3pm Tuesday 24th November – hand into Student Services.
Section 1 Please use a BLACK pen and use BLOCK CAPITALS. Your forename is your first name. Make sure you include the name of the town/city you live in eg: Brighton. Make sure you include your own mobile number - the colleges will use it to remind you about interviews etc.
Section 1 - cont. Only include an address that you use regularly. Nationality - what it says on your passport, if you have one. Most of you will be British. It is not asking about your ethnicity. If you have lived outside the UK please make sure the date of your arrival in the UK is accurate.
Section 2 Patcham High School.
Section 3 Please complete this section after you have attended all relevant college open evenings. You do NOT need to fill in all three boxes. You may apply to one college only on this form.
Section 3 - cont. If you want to apply to study A Levels you cannot have interviews at Varndean and Bhasvic. They expect you to choose which college you prefer before applying. Lewes 6th Form College offer as many A Levels and would be an appropriate back up. Please use their own form.
Section 3 - cont. If you want to be interviewed by two colleges so you can decide after your interview which you prefer, you need to make a ‘1st equal choice’. You cannot do this with Varndean and Bhasvic. To do this, cross out the printed ‘2nd Choice’ and write ‘1st equal choice’ in this box. Please see next slide.
Section 3 - cont. If you are interested in an apprenticeship when you leave school please tick ‘apprenticeship and full-time option’ box NOT ‘apprenticeship only’. This is because you need a college course to fall back on if you can’t find a job. Please see next slide.
Section 4 Add all the subjects you are currently studying with predicted grades List any results you have already achieved. Include ALL the qualifications you are taking. Include college courses
Section 5 You do not have a ‘Moving on Plan’. If you are not in the main hall for your exams tick the ‘yes’ box.
Section 6 If you think you may need to tick the ‘yes’ box, please see Cordelia Haynes before applying. If you are unsure, please see Cordelia Haynes.
Section 7 Please include the ‘phone numbers the college are most likely to be able to contact parents/carers on in an emergency. Please also include the address of a parent/carer.
Section 8 If you do not know your Doctors name or surgery telephone number, please ask at home. If you have any medical issues the college would need to be aware of, please enclose a separate letter.
Section 9 Please tick appropriate box
Section 10 They will ask this at interview. If you have thought about how you would like to use the course you are applying for, it will help you answer this question at your college interview. You can change you mind! But it demonstrates you have at least made plans!
Section 11 Tick box or not. Read first ! Take form home to have signed by parent/carer. Do not fill in back page. RETURN FORM TO STUDENT SERVICES BY 3PM TUESDAY 24TH NOVEMBER