Working Group/Tropical Cyclone Research Frank Marks and CAPT Mike Angove Co-Chairs
JAG/TCR February 2005: Federal Coordinator formed JAG/TCR –Formed as result of principal action item from 58 th IHC –Supported by Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (ICMSSR) February 2007: JAG/TCR work culminated with publication of Interagency Strategic Research Plan for Tropical Cyclones: The Way Ahead 2
–Table 4-1: Summarizes operational priorities of three operational tropical cyclone forecast and warning centers: TPC/NHC, CPHC, JTWC –Section 5.1 and Table 5-1: Presents research needs to aid in meeting the operational priorities of the tropical cyclone forecast and warning centers –Table 6-2, Recommendation #2: r ecommended TC research coordination that would: Monitor and update the operational priorities of tropical cyclone forecast and warning centers (Table 4-1) Monitor and update research needs (Table 5-1) Develop a multiagency research implementation plan that outlines specific strategies to address all research needs Highlights of Interagency Plan 3
WG/TCR May 31, 2007 –Briefed the Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research (ICMSSR) on Interagency Plan Recommendation: Form new OFCM Working Group for Tropical Cyclone Research (WG/TCR) September 29, WG/TCR membership identified November 20-21, st WG/TCR meeting 4
Dr. Frank Marks OAR (NOAA/DOC) CAPT Michael Angove Naval Deputy to NOAA (Navy/DOD) Dr. Ronald Ferek ONR (Navy/DOD) Dr. Ramesh Kakar Science Msn Directorate (NASA) Dr. Bradley Smull Physical & Dynamic Met. (NSF) Mr. Michael Mathews Science & Technology (FEMA/DHS) Mr. Frederick Toepfer HFIP Project Manager (NOAA/DOC) Dr. Robert Rogers OAR (NOAA/DOC) Dr. Mark DeMaria NESDIS (NOAA/DOC) Mr. James Franklin NWS (NOAA/DOC) Dr. Naomi Surgi NWS (NOAA/DOC) Dr. James Goerss NRL (Navy/DOD) WG/TCR 5
Lt Col Jonathan Talbot 53rd WS (AF/DOD) Mr. Bob Falvey Director, JTWC Dr. Richard D. Knabb NWS/CPHC (NOAA/DOC) Dr. Scott Braun GSFC (NASA) Dr. James McFadden OMAO/AOC (NOAA/DOC) Colonel Mark Zettlemoyer HQ AF (AF/DOD) Dr. Gerald Heymsfield GSFC (NASA) Dr. Alexis Lugo-Fernandez MMS (DOI) Dr. Bruce Ebersole U.S. Army COE (Army/DOD) Mr. William Laska Science & Technology (FEMA/DHS) Mr. Mark Welshinger OFCM WG/TCR 6
Monitor and update operational priorities of tropical cyclone forecast and warning centers (Table 1) Review and update research needs (Table 2) Summarize agency research efforts against research needs Develop interagency research implementation strategy –Leverage agency existing plans / resources to ensure all research needs addressed Review implementation strategy at annual IHC WG/TCR Objectives / Tasks 7
8 Operational Priorities Table 1
9 Research Needs Table 2
10 Agency Research Contributions Tabulated each agency research contribution (Man-year and $)
11 Man-Years vs. Detailed Research Topic Agency Contribution to Research Needs Intensity / Structure TrackGenesisQPFSurge [Seasonal] Model Development Observations Mapped using Detailed Research Need in Table 2
12 Agency Contribution to Research Needs General ResearchNWPObservations Man-Years vs. Research Need Mapped using Primary Research Need in Table 2
13 Combined Man-Years Mapped to Operational Priorities Intensity Change Storm Surge Observations Genesis Size/Structure Stat Aids Fcst Efficiency Track Fcst Wind Analysis Model Res vs Ensembles QPF Radar/Sat. Data Seasonal Progs SST Gradients Mapped using last column of Table 1
Agency Representatives Dr. Scott Braun, NASA/GSFC Dr. Brad Smull, NSF Dr. Rob Rogers, NOAA AOML/HRD Dr. Ron Ferek, ONR 14