G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 1 Discussion on significance ATLAS Statistics Forum CERN/Phone, 2 December, 2009 Glen Cowan Physics Department Royal Holloway, University of London
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 2 p-values The standard way to quantify the significance of a discovery is to give the p-value of the background-only hypothesis H 0 : p = Prob( data equally or more incompatible with H 0 | H 0 ) Requires a definition of what data values constitute a lesser level of compatibility with H 0 relative to the level found with the observed data. Define this to get high probability to reject H 0 if a particular signal model (or class of models) is true. Note that actual confidence in whether a real discovery is made depends also on other factors, e.g., plausibility of signal, degree to which it describes the data, reliability of the model used to find the p-value. p-value is really only first step!
page 3 Significance from p-value Often define significance Z as the number of standard deviations that a Gaussian variable would fluctuate in one direction to give the same p-value. TMath::Prob TMath::NormQuantile G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance Z = 5 corresponds to p = 2.87 × 10 -7
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 4 Sensitivity (expected significance) The significance with which one rejects the SM depends on the particular data set obtained. To characterize the sensitivity of a planned analysis, give the expected (e.g., mean or median) significance assuming a given signal model. To determine accurately could in principle require an MC study. Often sufficient to evaluate with representative (e.g. “Asimov”) data.
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 5 Significance for single counting experiment Suppose we measure n events, expect s signal, b background. n ~ Poisson(s+b) Find p-value of s = 0 hypothesis. data values with n ≥ n obs constitute lesser compatibility
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 6 Simple counting experiment with LR Equivalently can write expectation value of n as where is a strength parameter (background-only is = 0). To test a value of , construct likelihood ratio where muhat is the Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE), which we constrain to be positive:
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 7 p-value from LR Also define High values correspond to increasing incompatibility with . For discovery we are testing m = 0. We find The p-value is
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 8 Significance from LR using 2 approx. For large enough n, we can regard q as continuous, and find Furthermore, for large enough n, the distribution of q approaches a form related to the chi-square distribution for 1 d.o.f. Complications arise from requirement that be positive, but end result simple. For test of = 0 (discovery), significance is
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 9 Sensitivity for simple counting exp. Find median significance from median n, which is approximately s + b when this is sufficiently large. Or, if using the approximate formula based on chi-square, approximate median by substituting s + b for n (“Asimov” data) For s << b, expanding logarithm and keeping terms to O(s 2 ),
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 10 Simple counting exp. with bkg. uncertainty Suppose b consists of several components, and that these are not precisely known but estimated from subsidiary measurements: m i ~ Poisson, n ~ Poisson, Likelihood function for full set of measurements is:
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 11 Profile likelihood ratio To account for the nuisance parameters (systematics), test with the profile likelihood ratio: Double hat: maximize L for the given Single hats: maximize L wrt and b. Important point is that q = 2 ln ( ) still related to chi-square distribution even with nuisance parameters (for sufficiently large sample), so retain the simple formula for significance:
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 12 Examples from recent HN posts From recent hypernews posts (Tetiana Hrynova, Xavier Prudent), Consider s = 20.4, b = 2.5 ± 1.5. What is “correct” sensitivity? First suppose b = 2.5 exactly, then: 1) Use MC to find median, assuming s = 20.4, of 2) Use formula based on chi-square approx. for likelihood ratio: 3) Use Best(?) Good for s+b > dozen? Here OK for s dozen?
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 13 Examples from recent HN posts (2) To take into account the uncertainty in the background, need to understand the origin of the 2.5 ± 1.5. Is this e.g. an estimate based on a Poisson measurement? Use profile likelihood for nuisance parameter b. Or is it a Gaussian prior (truncated at zero) with mean 2.5, = 1.5? Use “Cousins-Highland”
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 14 Look-elsewhere effect The p-value should give the probability of rejecting the background- only hypothesis if it is true, i.e., the probability of a false discovery. But, we carry out many tests, e.g., we look for a Higgs of many different masses. Need to correct for the fact that the probability that one of these will result in a 5 sigma effect is then > 2.87 × 10 . Several approaches: Treat signal parameter (e.g. Higgs mass) as a floating parameter in the likelihood ratio (Wilks’ thm no good?) Compute trials factor with MC (find probability that one will reject bkg-only for some (any) point in signal par. space. Approx. correction, e.g., ~ mass range / mass resolution. Ongoing discussion but should move towards more concrete guidelines.
G. Cowan, RHUL Physics Discussion on significance page 15 Provisional conclusions Key is to view p-value as the basic quantity of interest; Z is equivalent, and all “magic formulae” are various approximations for Z. Also other considerations for discovery (and limits) beyond p-value, e.g., level to which signal described by data, plausibility of signal model, reliability of model for p-value, … Also consider e.g. Bayes factors for complementary info. StatForum should move towards firm recommendations on what formulae to use where possible, but cannot investigate every approximation – analysts must take some responsibility here. Draft note (INT) attached to agenda on discovery significance; will also have partner note on limits.