Compare the following heights in inches: BoysGirls
Computational Formulas and IQR’s
Computational Formula: This is an easier computational formula that contains no rounding.
Let’s try it!
You try one!
Is the standard deviation affected by outliers?
The standard deviation is sensitive to extreme values.
The following data represents the heights of some students in my class. a.Find the mean & st. dev. b.What % are within 1 st. dev. Of the mean? c.What % are within 2 st. dev. Of the mean?
IQR – Interquartile Range This is the measure of variability that is not affected by outliers. It’s based on quartiles.
25% - This is the median of the lower ½ of the sample. - This is the median. - This is the median of the upper ½ of the sample.
Find IQR
Find IQR
Find IQR
If normal distribution – then you can estimate the standard deviation with the IQR. Standard Deviation *Can also be use to check to see if a distribution is normal – if much larger then it’s skewed.
Homework Worksheet Use the new formula to compute the standard deviation.
Now for the Lab!