Ionic Bonding Naming
Simple Ionic Compounds KBr Name the metal first – Potassium Name the non-metal next, end it with –ide – Bromine becomes bromide Put together: Potassium bromide
Practice Na 2 O Name the metal: Sodium Name the non-metal: Oxide Put them together to get: Sodium Oxide.
Name the following ionic compounds: NaCl Al 2 O 3 BaF 2
If you’re given the name, can you write the formula? – Strontium nitride – Strontium is Sr 2+ – Nitride is N 3- – We must combine them to be equal to zero Need 3 Sr 2+ to combine with 2 N 3- – Answer is Sr 3 N 2
Classical Naming/Stock Naming Stock Naming uses roman numerals to tell the charge of the ion. – Copper I ion – Copper II ion Classical Naming uses the Latin root of the word and changes the ending to –ous (lower charge) or –ic (higher charge) – Cu + Cuprous – Cu 2+ Cupric
Practice naming 1. FeCl 2 2. MnO 3. Fe 2 O 3 4. TiO 2
Polyatomic ions Ions that are made of multiple atoms covalently bonded together. We treat them like a unit or package When we need more than one, must be put in brackets!! Normally end in –ite or -ate Example: sulfate, SO 4 2- Aluminum sulfate = Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 – Because is Al 3+ and SO 4 2- must combine to Zero
Practice 1. NaOH 2. K 3 PO 4 3. CsMnO 4 4. Ca(HCO 3 ) 2 5. Cu(NO 3 ) 2 1.Sodium hydroxide 2.Potassium phosphate 3.Cesium permanganate 4.Calcium hydrogen carbonate 5.Copper (II) nitrate