10/29 Day- 1 Grab a book, 3 Branches worksheet #12 Learning Target (put on the back of #12) I can compare and contrast how the three (3) branches of gov’t function. Schoolhouse Rock-Three Ring Circus
Create a Tri-fold Note sheet use the text book to complete. Legislative Executive Judicial Supreme Court- Authority- Art.3 Sect. 2 Clause 1 How Chosen Art.#___ Sect. 1 Clause ______ Court is made up of: (use caption..) Look up on your Phone the Current Supreme Court members
Article I of the Constitution Legislative Branch pg 154 Article I of the Constitution
CONGRESS Creating and writing the laws at the National level
Two House CONGRESS Art. 1 Section 1 Art. 1 Section 3 House of Representatives- Based on Population Elected by the people 2 year term Requirements Art-1 Sec 2 Cl. 2 25 years old Citizen of US for 7 years Senate Based on Equality- 2 per state Elected by the people 6 year term Requirements Art-1 Sec.2 Cl. 3 30 years old Citizen of the US for 9 years
Draw a picture to help you remember this branch. =
Article II of the Constitution EXECUTIVE BRANCH Article II of the Constitution
Executive Branch Enforcing the Laws passed by Congress
Executive Branch Executive Branch Consists of = President + VP + Cabinet
How Chosen to Office Art. 2 Sect.1 Clause 2 President is elected by the ELECTORAL COLLEGE Candidate must receive 51% of Electoral votes 538 total; 51% = 270 votes
Requirements- Executive Branch Art. 2 Section 1 Clause 5 Natural born citizen 35 years of age Lived in the US as a resident for 14 years
Presidents Powers….. Art.2 Sect. 2 Clause 1,2&3 APPOINT JUDGES, cabinet officers, and heads of departments (FBI, Ambassadors, Post Office, Surgeon General) MAKE TREATIES Head diplomatic affairs Initiate Legislation SIGN BILLS into laws or VETO BILLS Set annual budget Command the military
Draw a picture to help you remember this branch.
President Term of office is 4 YEARS Originally someone could serve UNLIMITED TERMS. This changed after Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was elected to 4 terms! The 22nd Amendment was passed in 1951 which limited terms to 2. Can someone serve more than 8 years?
CABINET- ADVISERS to the President State – foreign affairs = John Kerry Treasury – Jack Lew Defense – Chuck Hagel Justice (Attorney General) – Eric H. Holder Jr. Interior (Domestic Affairs) – Sally Jewell Agriculture – Thomas J. Vilsak Commerce –Penny Pritzker Labor – Thomas Perez
Cabinet…… Housing and Urban Development Transportation Health and Human Services Energy Education Veteran’s Affairs Homeland Security – Janet A. Naplitano
Article III of the Constitution Judicial Branch Article III of the Constitution
JUDICIAL Branch Art.3 of the Constitution Supreme Court Appointed by President Approved by SENATE Serve for life Interpret the laws – Judicial Review
General Authority Art.3 Sect. 1 To controversies to which the United States is a party. To controversies between two or more states or citizens of the same state.
SUPREME 9 John Roberts- Antonio Scalia Anthony Kennedy Stephen Breyer Chief Justice Antonio Scalia Anthony Kennedy Stephen Breyer Ruth Bader Ginsberg Clarence Thomas Sam Alito Sonia Sotomayor Elena Kagan
Draw a picture to help you remember this branch.