Bellerophon The archetypal DRAGON SLAYER
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Connection to HOMER Homer was the first to mention Bellerophon in his work, The Illiad Book 6, around the 8th century BC. Hesiod and Apollodorus also included him in Catalogues of Women and Library of Mythology respectively. However, there were differences in each of their recounts of Bellerphon’s life and deeds. Homer made no reference to Bellerophon killing the Chimera with the aid of Pegasus, and so it seems likely that Pegasus’ help was an embellishment on the story. Homer involves the gods but only to the extent of whether they take your side or not. They do not directly interfere with Bellerophon, for example Athena does not appear to him in a dream in Homer’s Illiad. This means, as he was the first to write about Bellerophon, that all other versions that came after, were an embellishment on his original. In fact, the story of Bellerophon seems to get more and more elaborate each time it is rewritten, as is demonstrated by numerous other stories.
Connection to HOMER (continued) In the original tale of Bellerophon, by Homer, there are fewer motifs than in the later versions. This might be because the god’s play a smaller role and so there are fewer motifs needed or, it might be that the myth grew to be an educational story, with motifs, symbols and morals. Whatever the reason Homer’s motifs have stayed throughout the history of the myth and are seen as important. First there is the notion that you cannot kill your guest. It is a crime of the highest order, for the guest is under the impression that you will protect them. To kill them would offend Zeus and he would act on his views (most likely killing you). This is a very important motif as it has not been changed within the myth. It is etiquette on how to treat your guests. It is a more extreme version, but it still holds the same message: treat your guests well and no harm will fall on you.
Bellerophon Tiepolo Bellerophon on Pegasus
Bellerophon Schaller Bellerophon slaying the Chimera.