How did the geography affect their lives?
Southwest Asia’s first cities Known as the fertile crescent because the area was shaped like a crescent moon and the soil was fertile. Included parts of modern day Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel. Two major rivers that flow through the Fertile Crescent: the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers The northern part of Mesopotamia is a plateau, and the southern part is an alluvial plain, or a flat area of land formed from fine soils deposited from rivers. Hot, dry climate and few natural resources But they made it work
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers played an important part in the lives of ancient Mesopotamians. They would flood, and when the water flowed back into the river, it created a layer of silt, a rich mixture of bits of rock and soil. This made the land suitable for growing crops. Unfortunately, these rivers were not the most reliable. They rarely flooded when farmers needed water most, when crops were first planted. Also, it rarely rains, which caused droughts that hardened the soil. When it did flood, it often took farmers by surprise and washed away their crops and villages. Sometimes even lives were lost.
In order the get water when they needed it, farmers created a system of irrigation. Irrigation: the use of connected ditches, canals, dams, and dikes to move water to dry areas. This process allowed water to be stored and used when needed. Irrigation also helped control and prevent flooding.
Farmers raised barley, wheat, and a wheat-like grain called emmer. They also grew onions, cucumbers, figs, and apples. On other grounds not suitable for growing crops, they kept goats, sheep, and cattle. These animals were used for milk, meat, and wool. Eventually farmers used horses, donkeys, and camels to help them work.
Archaeologists found clay tablets that tell about the farming.