WBII June 25, 2015 Emotional Intelligence By Christine Fitzgerald
Agenda Introduction to the concept of emotional intelligence Discussion of its role in effective leadership Strategies for enhancing professional and personal effectiveness
Emotional Intelligence “The ability to sense understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection and influence” The capacity to integrate thought and feelings (e.g. to think about feelings) This capacity varies among individuals I.Q. (intelligence quotient) contributes to less than 5% of professional and personal success This capacity can be taught
Daniel Goleman’s Five Basic Skills 1. Know your emotions (self awareness) 2. Manage your emotions (emotional regulation) 3. Self motivate (motivation) 4. Know the emotions of others (empathy) 5. Manage the emotions of others (social skills)
The First Skill – Self Awareness Definition: The ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives, as well as their effect on others Hallmarks: – Self confidence – Realistic self-assessment – Self-deprecating sense of humor
The Second Skill – Self Regulation Definition: The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods Hallmarks: – Trustworthiness and integrity – Comfort with ambiguity – Openness to change
The Third Skill – Motivation Definition: A passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status A propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence Hallmarks: – Strong drive to achieve – Optimism, even in the face of failure – Organizational commitment
The Fourth Skill – Empathy Definition: The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people Skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions Hallmarks: – Expertise in building and retaining talent – Cross-cultural sensitivity – Service to clients and customers
The Fifth Skill – Social Skills Definition: Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks An ability to find common ground and build rapport Hallmarks: – Effectiveness in leading change – Persuasiveness – Expertise in building and leading teams
The Language of Emotions They are felt in the body They give energy They are often contagious They are not right or wrong They are often suppressed They come in varying intensities They often come in mixtures vs. pure form
Strategies for Building Emotional Awareness Building self awareness Where in my body is this feeling? What is the shape of this feeling? What is the size of this feeling? If this feeling had a color, what would it be? Start to distinguish one feeling from another Identify and articulate the feeling
Strategies for Building Emotional Regulation Building emotional regulation What value is being infringed upon? What need is being disrespected? What assumptions cause this feeling? What memories are being activated? Take responsibility for your feelings Acknowledge, listen, and channel into appropriate behavior
Strategies for Building Motivation Building Motivation Get in touch with and honor your “unique potential” It’s a yearning – you feel it – it pulls you toward one activity like an inner magnet It’s something that deeply satisfies you – you get a “kick out of doing it” The learning is easy – you catch on quickly and it feels exciting You sense moments of flow – it feels natural and you perform well
Strategies for Building Empathy Building Empathy Suspend the voice of judgment Get clear about purpose Value congruency and speak up when it’s not there Respond with care to new ideas Speak directly and from your experience Know that trust comes from being trustworthy
Strategies for Building Social Skills Building social skills Use the power of entrainment Stay open when things heat up Balance advocacy with inquiry Identify cooperative possibilities Say “no” when you mean “no” Capture the value of “golden gripes” Deal productively with anger
Conclusion “Above all else, keep watch over your heart, for herein are the wellsprings of life” (Proverbs 4:23)