Laptop Use in the Classroom A Preparation for the Real World or A Distraction from the Real World?


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Presentation transcript:

Laptop Use in the Classroom A Preparation for the Real World or A Distraction from the Real World?

Laptops… Real World Lesson Real World Lesson Science is technology Science is technology Increase Motivation and Engagement Increase Motivation and Engagement Constant communication between students Constant communication between students Real World Distraction Real World Distraction Science is the natural world Science is the natural world Multitasking Multitasking Isolation Isolation

Laptops teach lessons about real world science -Technology is part of science in the modern day (Bell and Bull, 2012) -Laptops provide real world workplace training (Rafool, 2012)

Some Technologies Excel ExcelGIS (Becklin, 2013)

Laptops distract from the natural science -Time with laptops takes away from… -Time outside (exploring trees, animals, nature, rocks, astronomy, and the natural world). -Time with hands on labs -Field research

Laptops and technology increase students’ motivation and engagement. Research has proven that technology helps engage and motivate students in the classroom. (Rafool, et. al, 2012), (Jackson, 2012) Research has proven that technology helps engage and motivate students in the classroom. (Rafool, et. al, 2012), (Jackson, 2012) (One to One Institute, 2013)

Continued… -Promotes student centered, inquiry based learning (Bull and Bell), (Wright, 2011), (Rafool, et. al, 2012) -Helps students learn skills and concepts in a different method (Bull and Bell) (Wright, 2011) (One to One Institude, 2013)

“Most importantly, the level of laptop use was negatively related to several measures of student learning, including self-reported understanding of course material and overall course performance. The practical implications of these findings are discussed.” (Fried, 2008) “Most importantly, the level of laptop use was negatively related to several measures of student learning, including self-reported understanding of course material and overall course performance. The practical implications of these findings are discussed.” (Fried, 2008) Short term memory limited and students are multitasking. (Thagard, 2010) Short term memory limited and students are multitasking. (Thagard, 2010) Laptops distract students from the lessons.

Laptops promote constant communication (just like the real world). Facebook Facebook Blogs Blogs Skype, iChat, and videochat Skype, iChat, and videochat The cloud The cloud

Laptops distract students from personal communication. Active Learning needs full communication Active Learning needs full communication Discussions. Discussions. Computer can isolate Computer can isolate (Stone, 2011)

A Review…Laptops Real World Lesson Real World Lesson Real World Distraction Real World Distraction Science is technology Science is technology Increase Motivation and Engagement Increase Motivation and Engagement Constant communication between students Constant communication between students Science is the natural world Science is the natural world Multitasking Multitasking Isolation Isolation

What does this mean for the classroom? Teachers must use laptops as tools not lessons (Hammonds, Matherson, Wilson, Wright, 2013) Teachers must use laptops as tools not lessons (Hammonds, Matherson, Wilson, Wright, 2013) Close the gap between the real world and the classroom (Rafool, et al., 2012). Close the gap between the real world and the classroom (Rafool, et al., 2012). Balance time with and without laptops. Balance time with and without laptops. We, as teachers, need to catch up to students in our understanding of technology. We, as teachers, need to catch up to students in our understanding of technology.

Resources Becklin, E. (2013). Analysis to Support Conservation Research and consulting. Retrieved from Bull, G., & Bell, R. (2012). Educational Technology in the Science Classroom. In Technology in the Secondary Classroom (Chapter One). Retrieved from PB217X-1.pdf. Coffin, J. (2013, April). The New Digital Citizens. Maine, Fried, C.B. (2013). In Class Laptop use and its effect on student learning. Computers and Education, 50 (3), Hammoonds, L., Matherson, L., Wilson, E., & Wright, V. (2013). Gateway Tools: Five Tools to Allow Teachers to Overcome Barriers to Technology Integration. The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 80 (1),

Resources ctd. Jackson, L. D. (2012). Is Mobile Technology in the Classroom a Helpful Tool or a Distraction. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, 8 (5), One to One Institute. (2013). Why one to one (Images). Retrieved from one/ Rafool, B., Sullivan, E., & Al-Bataineh, A. (2012). Integrating Technology into the Classroom. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, 8 (1), Stone, M. (2011, June 1). 1,100 plus celebrate MLTI at Umaine. Retrieved from Thagard, P. (2010). Banning Laptops in Classrooms. Retrieved from /blog/hot-thought/201007/banning-laptops-in- classrooms-0. Wright, S. (2011). Life in Inquiry Driven, Technology-Embedded, Connected Classroom: Science. Retrieved from: technology-embedded-classroom-science2/.