Chapter 9 Important Considerations for 21 st -Century Leaders By: Lindsey Denison and Briana Miller
Preparing for and managing constant change Leaders vision and surveys
It is coming!
Online Learning Laptops 1:1 Lilliputing- or Computers for all! Mobile Phones
Laptops, Lilliputing, and Mobile Phones 1:1 Laptops in schools have shown great results for student learning and writing. “Students in laptop programs often have a greater level of autonomy, independence, and responsibility than they have ever before.” (Rockman, 2007) Lilliputing allows everyone in a school to have a computer at a reasonable price. The majority of your students have cell phones, why not embrace that and use them as a resource for the classroom.
The Digital Divide
Digital Divide * To close the digital divide we must “concentrate on equitable integration, training, and support for all students and teachers.” (pg. 168) * It is not all about the supplies we have, but how well we are trained to use them. *We also need to consider the amount of access our students have at home. A major part of the digital divide is seen in high poverty schools and those in rural areas. Ex: If you wanted to download the first 100 hours of the Holocaust survivors accounts for a history lesson it would take: 9.5 minutes using windows 2 11 days using a T-1 line 1.5 years using dial-up ( Web-Based Education Commission, 2000, P.38) *As an administrator, you must be aware of your demographics and the amount of access your students have to the internet. Once identified, you can create a plan to minimize the gap.
Limited Resources and Your Needs
What to do when you have little to no resources?! *Many schools are choosing to buy E-books instead of textbooks. This would allow for easier updates, more shelf space, and lighter backpacks. *Grants: Grants are another great way to get money for technology A few helpful links: *Prioritizing the Budget: Sometimes you must look at the budget and reallocate funds to what is most important. If your emphasis is on technology, you will need to find areas to cut back on in order to make technology successful.
Conclusion Main considerations with technology: *Who has it? *How are they using it? *How does it impact engagement and learning? (Schrum &Levin, 2009, p. 172) As an administrator, you must lead, model, and support your school on the journey into the 21 st Century. (Shrum and Levin, 2009, p. 172) Professor Scott McLeod says, “School administrators have a responsibility to prepare them (students) for their world. Not our world, but theirs. We cannot continue to prepare students for a world that no longer exists.” (p. 171)
Works Cited "America Offline:" Stories from the digital divide (YouTube) v=DEJIgDTrgho& Leading 21st century schools: harnessing technology for engagement and achievement By: Schrum, Lynne, and Barbara B. Levin. Corwin 2009