WELCOME! Allison Castle, Secondary Director Harnett County Schools Extension 415
GETTING to Know Each Other 1. Introduce yourself to different people in the classroom. 2. Ask them if any of the statements on the form are applicable to their own lives. If so, ask the individual to initial in the block. 3. Walk around the room and introduce yourself to others in the classroom. Continue the process until the whole sheet is filled with initials from various individuals.
“The very first day of school is the most important day of the school year… What EFFECTIVE TEACHERS do on the very first day will determine the success of the class.” Harry Wong, (2009), The First Days of School.
JOURNAL On the notecard, please write: Your name Your school The course(s) you will teach next year Something interesting/unusual about yourself List any questions that you may have that I can help you with during this school year.
WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY BE? “Every day millions of students arrive at American classrooms in search of more than reading and math skills. They are looking for a light in the darkness of their lives, a Good Samaritan who will stop and bandage a burned heart or ego.” -Jim Trelease
THE EFFECTIVE TEACHER The 4 Stages of Teaching Fantasy Survival Mastery Impact Reference: Ryan, Kevin. The Induction of New Teachers, Fastback 237. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa, 1986.
THE EFFECTIVE TEACHER 1. Is a Good Classroom Manager 2. Designs Lessons to Reach Mastery 3. Has Positive Expectations that Students Will be Successful Reference: Good, Thomas L. and Jere Brophy. Looking in Classrooms. Harper- Collins, 1994, pp
CREATING A CLIMATE FOR LEARNING consciously create a climate believe that there is potential in each learner “ Effective teachers believe that all students can learn and be successful. Effective teachers consciously create a climate in which all students feel included. Effective teachers believe that there is potential in each learner and commit to finding the key that will unlock the potential.” Gregory & Chapman. (2007). Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All.
good thinking demonstrating in their actions “Closely related to teachers’ behavior is the development of a classroom climate conducive to good thinking…students cannot think well in a harsh, threatening situation…Teachers can make their classrooms more thoughtful places by demonstrating in their actions that they welcome originality and differences of opinion.” Marzano. (1992).Dimensions of Learning.
STUDENTS THE SEVEN THINGS STUDENTS WANT TO KNOW ON THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 1.Am I in the right room? 2.Where am I supposed to sit? 3.What are the rules in this classroom? 4.What will I be doing this year? 5.How will I be graded? 6.Who is the teacher as a person? 7.Will you treat me as a human being? Wong, Harry (2009). The First Days of School.
ACTIVITY What the testing experience must be like
How each indicator is defined Performance Composite (Elementary and High) Percent of proficient tests in a school All tests, subjects, and grade levels Uses the EOG/EOC test data Algebra II/Integrated III Percent of graduates who take and pass Alg. II or Int. Math III Excludes the 1% population Graduation Rate Percent of students that graduate within 4 years and within 5 years (4-year cohort graduation rate) WorkKeys Percent of seniors who are CTE concentrators who achieve a Silver certificate, or better, on the WorkKeys assessment ACT Percent of students who meet college readiness targets Graduation Project Did a school implement a graduation project ? 13
How each indicator is defined Performance Composite (Elementary and High) Percent of proficient tests in a school All tests, subjects, and grade levels Use the EOG/EOC test data Algebra II/Integrated III Percent of 4-year cohort graduates who take and pass Alg. II or Int. Math III Excludes the 1% population Graduation Rate Percent of students that graduate within 4 years (4-year cohort graduation rate) WorkKeys Percent of seniors who are CTE concentrators who achieve a Silver certificate, or better, on the WorkKeys assessment ACT Percent of Grade 11 students who meet a college readiness standard 14
School Calendar - Draft Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct New State Tests (3-8 ELA and Math; 5 & 8 Science; 3 High School Exams) ACT, PLAN, EXPLORE, WORKKEYS SMARTER Balanced (Development Work) PLAN EXPLORE ACT March, 2014 ) WorkKeys New Assessments Compilation of New Data Standard Setting READY Report to SBE Teacher teams write field test items Last ABCs Report Pilot test of summative and interim assessment items and performance tasks 2 nd Tech Readiness Tool Collection Windows WorkKeys for Early Graduates in Dec 15
WHAT CAN I USE TO HELP ME AS A TEACHER? Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Webb’s Depth of Knowledge Common Core/Essential Standards Cheat Sheet Website Wiki
EMPHASIS IN THE DISTRICT THIS YEAR Improving Practice Writing to Learn Creating Rigorous Lessons which are meaningful
COMMUNICATION IS KEY 1. Start with the end in mind. 2. Communicate frequently. 3. Communicate both positive and negative information.
REFLECTIONS/COMMENTS/JOU RNAL What I am taking away today… Some things I still need to know about/I have questions about….
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME! Allison Castle Extension 415