Dr. Linda Kennard, Director of Curriculum & Instruction Dedric McGhee, STEM Manager Marcia White, Mathematics Advisor Mathematics Instructional Advisors Dr. Emily Barbee Margie BellDr. Andre CraffordDr. Camilla Hort on Academics: ALL THINGS MATHEMATICS
Common Core State Standards What to Expect The school year is the final year to prepare for the PARCC assessment. Grades K-2: Full implementation of the CCSSM in and the TNCore Focus Standards for K-2 have been released and are posted with the 3-8 Focus Standards. The SAT 10 will not be revised or narrowed for the school year due to the fact that modifications to the assessment would require major revisions to test design, which would significantly impact development timeline, budget, and teacher evaluation. Grades 3-8: Tennessee’s transition to the CCSSM will continue with grades 3-8 in the school year. Teachers will still teach the current TDP standards (minus the SPI’s to be dropped from the TCAP). In addition, teachers will be teaching the TNCore Focus Standards. TCAP Achievement tests in math: 3-8 will be narrowed by an additional 5-10 percent in most grades In grades 3-8, CRA materials (including items, scoring guides and student work) will be posted in September and January. In grades 3-8, the CRA design will be modified slightly to more closely mimic PARCC. Instead of four items, the CRA will include three items and an additional fluency section assessing student speed and accuracy with the fluency standards for their grade level. Use of calculators will be permitted on Constructed Response items but calculators will not be permitted on the fluency section (otherwise, the calculator policy on the TCAP Achievement and EOCs will not change in ).
Common Core State Standards What to Expect Grades 9-12: As part of our transition to Common Core, we will be narrowing the EOCs for Algebra I (10 percent) and Algebra II (25 percent). Focus Clusters have been identified for Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. The administration of the Constructed Response Assessment (CRA) will assess standards in the TNCore Focus Clusters so teachers can understand the rigor and changes in instructional practice these new standards. There will be two state administrations of the CRA in October and February. In high school, the CRA will have four CRA items and no fluency section. All CRA materials (including items, scoring guides and student work for both the October and February administrations) will be released in September to allow for use on block schedules and will be located at
Curricular resources- instructional tasks can be found here Username: Tneducation Password: fastestimproving Grade specific tasks
Curricular resources- instructional tasks can be found here Dropped SPis Example of the document
Look For’s in the Math Classroom
Math Curriculum The pacing guides which support the alignment of Common Core and its relation to the upcoming PARCC assessments The curriculum instructional maps, including the domains, clusters, and standards of Common Core
Pacing Guide
Instructional Maps CCSS Standards Pacing Time Allotment SPIs High Level Tasks
Reminders Conceptual understanding vs. Procedures Embed mathematical practices into lessons Use supporting links and documents from the Resources Toolbox Work on fluency daily Use math manipulatives ! Literature Links are a great way to incorporate literacy into math (K-8)
Our Team Dr. Andre Crafford, Elementary Instructional Advisor Phone: (901) Margie Bell, Elementary Instructional Advisor Phone: ( Dr. Camilla Horton, Middle School Instructional Advisor Phone: (901) Dr. Emily Barbee, High School Instructional Advisor Phone: (901) Marcia White, Mathematics Advisor Phone: (901)