K + Homeostasis
The need: ECF K + concentration is critical for the function of excitable cells However, about 98% of is in K + ICF ICF concentration of K + – mmol/L ICF volume – twice the ECF volume BUT The kidney has to regulate K + handling based on K + level in ECF Increase in in the body will have a smaller effect on ICF than ECF
K + Homeostasis The need: ECF K + concentration needs to be maintained
Extracellular & Intracellular K + K+K+ K+K+ Equilibrium between Intracellular and extracellular K + Helps stabilise ECF K +
Glomerular Filtration of K + Freely filtered at the glomerulus
Tubular Handling of K + Fate of filtered K + Percentage of filtered load reabsorbed / secreted Variable % 20 % Variable
K + Reabsorption in the Proximal Tubule K + dependent on Na + reabsorption Na + reabsorption is mostly a constant fraction of filtered load K + reabsorption is also a constant fraction of filtered load Na+ K+ Na+ Tubular Lumen Capillary water K+K+ K+K+ K+K+ K+K+
K + Reabsorption in Loop of Henle Thick ascending limb Absorbed with Na+ Percentage absorbed constant Na+ K+ 2Cl- Tubular Lumen Capillary Na+
K + Handling in the Distal Tubule Principal cells – regulated by aldosterone K + is secreted in exchange for Na + at the luminal surface Na + Capillary K+K+ Na+ K+ Na+ Lumen
K + Handling in the Distal Tubule Intercalated cells H + is secreted in exchange for K + at the luminal surface K+K+ Capillary H+H+ Lumen
K + Handling by Kidney K+ reabsorption / secretion 1. Linked to reabsorption or secretion of other ions Mostly Na+ H+ to a lesser extent 2. Depends on aldosterone Secretion is regulated mostly by renin-angiotensin mechanism Serum K+ also has a direct effect on aldosterone secretion
K + Handling by Kidney Regulatory mechanism for Plasma K + 1.Intracellular K + - depends on several factors dietary K + content Acid base status Insulin – increases influx of K + 2. Increased plasma K + stimulates aldosterone secretion However, aldosterone is mainly a Na + regulator K + handling by the kidney is determined more by other factors than plasma K + itself
K + Excretion K + excretion by kidney is increased by 1.Aldosterone 2.Alkalosis 3.Increased delivery of Na + to the distal tubule 4.Increased dietary K + 5.Exit of from K + cells – damage to cells, lack of insulin High K + levels result in increased filtration of K +
ICF and ECF K + Equilibrium Factors affecting K + flux between ICF and ECF 1.Acid base status 2.Insulin 3.Sympathetic neurotransmitters 4.Exercise 5.Damage to cell membrane
Ca 2+ Handling by the Kidney
Glomerular Filtration of Ca 2+ Ca 2+ In blood 1.Free – 55-60% Ionised Complexed with organic anions 2.Bound to protein – 40-45% Only the free Ca 2+ is filterable
Tubular Handling of Ca 2+ Fate of filtered Ca 2+ Reabsorption only No secretion 8 % 65 % 25 % 2 %
Proximal tubular Reabsorption of Ca 2+ Passive Paracellular Due to concentration gradient created by Na + reabsorption Na + dependent reabsorption Na+ K+ Na+ Tubular Lumen Capillary water Ca 2+ water
Thick Ascending Limb Reabsorption of Ca 2+ Passive Paracellular Due to concentration gradient created by Na + reabsorption Na + dependent reabsorption Na+ K+ 2Cl- Tubular Lumen Capillary Na+ Ca 2+
Reabsorption of Ca 2+ Approximately 90% of Ca 2+ reabsorption is Na + dependent
Distal Tubular Reabsorption of Ca 2+ Active transcellular Regulated by parathormone Ca 2 + Tubular Lumen Capillary Na+ Ca 2 +
Regulation of Tubular Reabsorption of Ca 2+ Na + reabsorption Parathormone – sensitive to ionised calcium level in blood Acid base status – acidosis inhibits reabsorption and alkalosis enhances reabsorption
Phosphate Handling by the Kidney
Glomerular Filtration of Phosphate Phosphate In blood 1.Free – 90-95% 2.Bound to protein – 5-10% The free phosphate is freely filtered
Tubular Handling of Phosphate Fate of filtered phosphate Reabsorption almost entirely in the proximal tubule 85 % 15 %
Proximal Tubular Reabsorption of Phosphate Symport system coupled to Na + reabsorption Has tubular maximum Parathormone inhibits reabsorption The phosphate that is excreted in urine performs an important function – buffering secreted H +
Magnesium Handling by the Kidney
Glomerular Filtration of Magnesium Magnesium in blood 1.Free – % 2.Bound to protein – % The free magnesium is filtered
Tubular Handling of Magnesium Fate of filtered magnesium Highest reabsorption in the thick ascending limb 30 % 5 % 60 % 5 %
Tubular Reabsorption of Magnesium Passive Mostly paracellular route Dependent on Na + reabsorption
Urate Handling by the Kidney
Renal Handling of Urate Freely filtered at the glomerulus Proximal tubule Passively reabsorbed in the early part Actively secreted in the mid proximal tubule Passively reabsorbed in the late segment Secretion is regulated by plasma levels of urate Reabsorption > secretion