RPC DQM status Cimmino, M. Maggi, P. Noli, D. Lomidze, P. Paolucci, G. Roselli, C. Carillo.


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Presentation transcript:

RPC DQM status Cimmino, M. Maggi, P. Noli, D. Lomidze, P. Paolucci, G. Roselli, C. Carillo

Anna, David e Pierluigi DQM meeting - 26 feb 08 2 Online General Plan I Large set of histograms chamber by chamber Cluster Size, Nr of Digis, Multiplicity, BX, Occupancy Small set of Summary histograms 5+1Cluster Size by wheel & barrel 60Occupancy by sectors 52D Occupancy by wheel Quality test: statistical analysis, alarms, results in output file (ready) histo comparision, output read from GUI, file repository (on going) General Web based DQM GUI (WBM today) display Histograms, alarms and Qtest output file

Anna, David e Pierluigi DQM meeting - 26 feb 08 3 Online General Plan II RPC RenderPlugins colored histograms/plots (ready for summary histos) alarm and warning text on the histo\plot (March) reference histograms\plots (April) could be more !! Store output root files and ascii files in the CMS repository (April) Online documentation for people in shift (operation manual, instruction and examples) (twiki page to update and improve)

DQM meeting - 26 feb 08 4 RPC DQM group Offline DQM I What we have now Cluster Size, Nr of Digis, BX, Occupancy Chamber and Trigger Efficiency (G. Roselli) Chamber Noise What we are planning to do 2D efficiency (Radiography) (Napoli) trigger data and DB usage (May) Run quality studies We have to estimate/measure the numbers and the performance of the offline DQM (how many histo/plot, CPU time….)

DQM meeting - 26 feb 08 5 RPC DQM group Offline DQM II We need an accurate offline trigger studies (Giuseppe) and correlate the results with the detector results We need to access non event-data from the condition database and used them for more accurate analysis and checks. Offline calibration to send back to ORCON (online): Dead and noisy strips !! Efficiency chamber by chamber ? DQM summary results can be stored in the ORCOF central GUI and/or TBrowser to see histos

DQM meeting - 26 feb 08 6 RPC DQM group RPC DQM Plan for next GR RPC Online part is almost ready. Few technical problems will be fixed soon - David 3-D occupancy plots by sector are now ready (new) - David WEB GUI based on WBM is now ready First Qtest prototype is ready (output ascii file) (new) - Anna we would like to merge DQMMonitorDigi (where the histograms are produced) and Qtest module (where the analysis is done) in only one module. will check monitoring elements after every 1.000\ entries (we have to discuss this ), in any case it is configurable by config. file it produces output ascii file, in the near future WEB GUI will read it. A first prototype of the RPCRenderPlugins is now ready (decorate or to write text on histograms) - David OFFLINE: working on the 3-D efficiency histograms (chamber radiography) and on Trigger/Chamber efficiency (Giuseppe) (new)

DQM meeting - 26 feb 08 7 RPC DQM group QTests status and plan (A. Cimmino) Dead Strip test : performed on the occupancy plots made chamber by chamber. Output ascii file and histogram with dead strips. Mismatches with already known dead strips are reported. (80% ready) Occupancy Difference Test : it retrieves reference histograms for each chamber and compares bin by bin. Output will be ascii file and/or histograms Multiplicity/Cluster size : It checks the last set of histograms with the references and produce an output file/plots. It checks if the multiplicity is compatible in an “a priori” defined range. It checks how much the multiplicity of each chamber deviates from the average calculated wheel by wheel.

DQM meeting - 26 feb 08 8 RPC DQM group Sector Occupancy (new) Dead strips

DQM meeting - 26 feb 08 9 RPC DQM group Sector Occupancy (new) Dead strips Using RPCRenderPlugins

DQM meeting - 26 feb RPC DQM group WMB Interface WBM will be used by CMS only for the history plots (summary info from DB) !!! New Online and Offline GUI is almost ready (with WEB interface)

DQM meeting - 26 feb RPC DQM group ClusterSize, Occupancy, BX, BX Global Ocupancy by Wheel Number of Digi Cluster Size by Chamber Occupancy by Chamber

Offline DQM questions 1.Which are the offline DQM modules (existing or planned) to be run? 2.What is the status of the code development and readiness for deployment? RPCMonitorDigi ( RPCEfficiencyFromTrack.cc, RPCMonitorDigi.cc RPCMonitorEfficiency.cc) 90% ready RPCMonitorClient (Qtest)30% ready RPCMonitorModule (to delete) 3.Which are thepackages that we need to include? //DataFormats DataFormats/RPCDigi/ DataFormats/MuonDetId/ DataFormats/RPCRecHit DataFormats/GeometrySurface DataFormats/GeometryVector DataFormats/Common //Geometry Geometry/RPCGeometry/ Geometry/Records/ Geometry/CommonDetUnit/ //FrameWork FWCore/MessageLogger/ FWCore/Framework/ FWCore/ParameterSet/ FWCore/ServiceRegistry/ //DQMServices DQMServices/Core DQMServices/NodeROOT DQMServices/Daemon DQMServices/UI DQMServices/Components DQMServices/WebComponents DQMServices/ClientConfig

Offline DQM questions 4.It would be great to have some quantitative estimates of a) the number of histograms and bins Summary histos/bins:69 / Occupancy by Weel:5 histo480 bins Sector Occupancy:60 histos5.760 bins Cluster Size:4 histos80 bins Histos by chambers: / Barrel: 1D. ~ 4800 histos, bins (ClusterSize, Number of Clusters, Number of Digi, BX, Occupancy) 2D. ~1920 histos, bins (ClusterSize vs Strips, BX vs Strips) barrel total ~6789 histograms & bins Endcap : 1D. ~ 3125 histos, bins (ClusterSize, Number of Clusters, Number of Digi, BX, Occupancy) 2D. ~ 1250 histos, bins (ClusterSize vs Strips, BX vs Strips) Efficiency by chambers: /

Offline DQM questions 5.the memory and CPU consumption ? we don’t have this estimation – working on 6.the number of events required for good statistics: 1 milion of muons for the efficiency by strip 10 K of muons for the cluster size, multiplicy, noise and occupancy (by chamber) 120 K muons for the summary plots (by wheel…)


RPC Detector Status We are now working on the definition of a detector status by sector  wheel  barrel The RPC DS will be based on the detector occupancy and/or on the trigger rate Right now we will use only the detector occupancy checking: average occupancy per chamber shape of the occupancy histogram the number of dead strips (“new” and “old”) In any case we need to check also the DCS will provide information about the HV, LV and Gas status (FSM and alarm)

DQM meeting - 26 feb RPC DQM group Conclusions Online RPC DQM is almost ready: new 2D histograms (occupancy) still working on more summary plots quality test on going (dead strip ready) Offline RPC DQM contains also: detector efficiency (ready) trigger efficiency (working on) Almost 22 K histograms  2,2 milions of bin