A project to find the main cause of rejected x-rays
Index About our project Methods used to collect data Findings Conclusions Recommendations Questions
About our project Why this project? Planning Introduction Timetable Data collecting and processing Target values Less than 2% rejects out of the total
Methods used to collect data Collecting rejects Collecting over a period of 2 weeks A fill-in form with every reject Differentiate between rooms and the time of day Question list We asked your opinion Observation
Findings Main cause Differentiate between rooms Total Spoiled Compared to total Compared to target Result question list Not all results will be shown, if you are interested in all the results you should read our report.
Main cause (differentiate) Making the X-rayDeveloping
Main cause (total)
Spoiled compared to total GeneralA-block
Spoiled compared to target GeneralA-block
Result question list 83,3 % of the radiographers filled in the question list
What do you think is the main cause of the spoiled X-rays?
What is the average amount of X-rays you reject in a weeks time?
Experience of work pressure
What do you think of the exposures on the exposure factor list?
Result question list Facts There are a lot of experienced radiographers. Every radiographer finds the quality of the x-rays. to be good Most of the radiographers don’t think that there are too much rejects. Almost all radiographers thinks there is too much work pressure, especially in the morning.
Conclusions After processing the data we can conclude that the target set, isn’t reached by any part of the X- ray department. Yet every radiographer thinks the quality of the X-rays is well. Exposure is the main cause of spoiled X-rays within this department. This is 66 %, so a clear majority. Dark room errors are the second cause for the majority of rejects with a percentage of almost 23%.
Conclusions In the morning most radiographers experience high work pressure. In the afternoon the highest percentage of rejects occurs. Out of the question list we can conclude that in most cases the exposure factor list isn’t used by the radiographers.
Recommendations Repeat this project twice a year. The radiographers should make better use of the exposure-factor list. Improve the quality of the equipment of room 4. Lower the work pressure especially in the morning. Check the exposure factor list if it is still adequate.