111 MakingConnections Focus on Assessment
222 Facilitator/s: Date:
333 Workshop purpose You are here to develop your knowledge and understanding of the purpose and range of the embedded assessment processes in the PrimaryConnections Curriculum units.
444 Workshop outline (90 minutes) INTRO:Purpose, outline, outcomes (5 mins) ENGAGE:Elicit ideas about the purposes of assessment (20 mins) EXPLORE:Explore assessment through student and teacher perspectives (15 mins) EXPLAIN:Explain the difference between types of assessment (25 mins)Explain the application of assessment processes in curriculum units ELABORATE:Questioning techniques as an integral part of assessment (15 mins) EVALUATE:Evaluate assessment behaviours (10 mins)Summarise, reflect and evaluate
555 Outcomes On completion of this module participants will understand and describe: the purposes of the three types of assessment embedded in PrimaryConnections the importance of student representations and questioning the range of assessment processes appropriate to each of the 5Es phases including student self-assessment the assessment focuses and behaviours of teachers and students as they progress through the 5Es phases the use of the PrimaryConnections assessment rubrics
777 Assessment ‘for’ learning Gathering information about the gap between where the student is and needs to be. Students learn best when they: understand clearly what they are trying to learn and what is expected of them are given feedback about the quality of their work are given advice on how to make improvements are fully involved in deciding what needs to be done next and who can help if needed.
888 Assessment ‘of’ learning Gathering and working with evidence to enable teachers and the wider assessment community to evaluate students’ progress. Judgements about the extent and quality of student learning need to be: based on sound criteria negotiated with and known to students reliable and accurate.
999 Assessment ‘as’ learning Reflecting on evidence of learning and the processes of learning. Reflecting on the learning process helps students focus on: what they have learned how they have learned what processes help them to learn.
11 Complete a Y chart from either a teacher or student perspective
13 The PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model uses ongoing and embedded assessment to enhance teaching and learning. Ongoing and embedded assessment PHASEFOCUS ENGAGE Engage students and elicit prior knowledge Diagnostic assessment EXPLORE Provide hands-on experience of the phenomenon Formative assessment EXPLAIN Develop scientific explanations for observations and represent developing conceptual understanding Consider current scientific explanations Formative assessment ELABORATE Extend understanding to a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student-planned investigation Summative assessment of the Science Inquiry Skills EVALUATE Students re-represent their understanding and reflect on their learning journey and teachers collect evidence about the achievement of outcomes Summative assessment of the Science Understanding
14 Types of assessment Diagnostic Formative Summative
16 ‘More effort has to be spent in framing questions that are worth asking: that is, questions which explore issues that are critical to the development of children’s understanding.’ Questioning Black, P. et al. (2003). Assessment for learning. UK, Open University Press.
17 Questioning and the 5Es model ENGAGE: Broad questions that encourage students to discuss their ideas and experiences EXPLORE: Questions that encourage students to discuss their ideas and to express common experiences EXPLAIN: Focused questions that reinforce the explanations of the concepts ELABORATE: Questions that help students understand the concept in a new situation; Questions about claims, evidence and reasoning from science investigations EVALUATE: Questions that assess students’ understanding.
18 Effective questioning View Part Eight of Questioning Minds DVD What are broad questions? What are narrow questions? What is the purpose of wait time?
19 Website assessment resources Register as a member to access rubrics Website resources are available Assessment rubrics are fully aligned to the Science Inquiry Skills of the Australian Curriculum:Science Work samples provide guidance for assessing students’ work
21 Assessment card sort Explain to each other the appropriate behaviours for each of the assessment types
22 In summary includes assessment practices for, of and as learning uses diagnostic, formative and summative assessment processes embedded in the PrimaryConnections 5Es teaching and learning model integrates appropriate questioning techniques in assessment processes embeds assessment processes in exemplary curriculum units. PrimaryConnections: