Doing Teacher Evaluation Right: 5 Critical Elements: Evidence
pbevan 2 12/21/2015 A Framework for Teaching: Components of Professional Practice Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Reflecting on Teaching Maintaining Accurate Records Communicating with Families Participating in a Professional Community Growing and Developing Professionally Showing Professionalism Domain 3: Instruction Communicating with Students Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Engaging Students in Learning Using Assessment in Instruction Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness Domain 1: Planning and Preparation Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy Demonstrating Knowledge of Students Setting Instructional Outcomes Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources Designing Coherent Instruction Designing Student Assessments Domain 2: The Classroom Environment Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport Establishing a Culture for Learning Managing Classroom Procedures Managing Student Behavior Organizing Physical Space 12/21/20152
The Card Sort Use a sticky note Write –Domain –Component –Share with tablemates as instructed; get consensus
Today’s Competencies… Describe the role of the Framework in teacher assessment Explain best practices in teacher evaluation Explain how to conduct teacher evaluation to accommodate quality assurance and professional learning, too Illustrate how to differentiate for novices, experienced teachers, and at-risk teachers Summarize how to create buy-in for all stakeholders.
Today’s Competencies… Generate deeper meanings of the Framework for Teaching Explain the nature of differentiated teacher evaluation Point out how to collect accurate evidence of teaching and use it, with rubrics, to assess performance Demonstrate how to conduct teacher evaluation appropriately Identify how to make changes in teacher evaluation that reduce suspicion and distrust 12/21/2015