Philadelphia, PA Historic Landmarks By: Kelly Seiverd
Performance Expectations At the end of this lesson you will: Recognize some of the major landmarks in Philadelphia, PA and be able to match facts with places. Complete a TRUE/FALSE quiz, based on the information given about each landmark, at the end of the presentation. Expand your knowledge about our nation’s history by choosing a state of your choice and completing a PowerPoint of your own. Must include pictures, and at least 10 facts.
Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA is the birthplace of our country. Philadelphia, PA is where the founding fathers signed the Constitution.
The Liberty Bell The Liberty Bell is kept at the Liberty Bell Center on Market Street between 5 th and 6 th streets. John Pass and John Stowe cast the second bell after it cracked shortly after arriving from London, England where the 1 st bell was cast. The bell weighs 2,000 pounds. It is made of 70% copper, 25% tin, and small amounts of other minerals. You can find more information at:
Independence Hall Independence Hall was built in , by Andrew Hamilton. Independence Hall was originally called, “The Pennsylvania State House.” Independence hall is where the Constitution was debated, drafted, and signed. The Declaration of Independence was adopted here on July 4 th, (Independence Day) You can find more information at:
Betsy Ross’ House Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag. George Washington himself, handed her a rough sketch and asked her to sew him a flag. On June 14 th, 1777 Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as our official national flag. You can find more information at:
Christ Church Burial Ground In 1719, Christ Church purchased 2 acres of land at the corner of 5 th and Arch Streets. Benjamin Franklin and several men who signed the Declaration of Independence are buried here. Christ’s Church was founded in 1695, it was the first parish of the Church of England in Pennsylvania. You can find more information at:
Matching This is where the Constitution was created and signed. She sewed the first American Flag. This item weighs 2,000 pounds. Benjamin Franklin is buried here.
Quiz George Washington is buried at Christ Church Burial Ground. True/False The 1 st Liberty Bell was made in Philadelphia. True/False Betty Ross sewed the 1 st American Flag. True/False The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 7, True/False
Last Assessment Chose a state of your choice and create your own PowerPoint. Your PowerPoint must include pictures, and 10 facts.