STRUCTURE OF CHURCH Pope Head of Church Clergy Bishops Supervised the Priests Priests Lowest of all Clergy
ROLE OF CHURCH Provided: –Sense of Security –Community –Faith Age of Faith –Religion is the center of life
REACHING SALVATION Sacraments –Important religious ceremonies Baptism –Public acknowledgement of faith Tithes (source of corruption) –Payments for religious favors
CHURCH JUSTICE Cannon Law –Law of the Church –Courts for violators Excommunication –Banishment from Church –Pope would use power over Political leaders
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Arose from Charlemagne’s Empire (late 900s AD) Otto I ruled Germany –Followed his hero Charlemagne Practiced same Government –Alliance with Church –Defeated German Princes to gain power
FEAR OF POWER Church began to resent King’s power Lay Investiture Ceremony where Kings/Nobles appoint Church Officials Pope Gregory VII Banned Lay Investiture Emperor Henry IV demanded Gregory VII step down
HENRY IV vs GREGORY VII Gregory VII excommunicates Henry IV Henry asks for forgiveness Showdown at Canossa –Henry traveled to Canossa, Italy (winter) –Gregory kept Henry waiting in the snow for 3 days (no shoes) –Gregory accepted his apology Henry went back home and punished the nobles who were against him
CONCORDAT OF WORMS Compromise over Lay Investiture –Church would elect Bishops and officials –Emperor had veto power
FREDERICK I Nickname Barbarossa (red beard) Military Skills dominated German Princes Lombard League –Enemy’s of Frederick Merchants and the Pope
BATTLE OF LEGNANO 1177 AD Frederick vs. Lombard League Frederick suffers major defeat 1190 AD –Frederick drowned Empire fell back into separate states
Q&A 1.Describe the structure of the Church. 2.Why was the Church the center of society? 3.What were Tithes? How could they be abused? 4.What was Lay Investiture? 5.Who united the Church and the Holy Roman Empire? 6.Why did the Church and Empire have a fallout? 7.Who made up the Lombard League? 8.How did the Holy Roman Empire fall?