Paying for College: Where Am I Going to Get the Money? Monica Cheng Career Pathways Navigator Seattle Goodwill
A Note on Admission Reqs. Most colleges require a minimum distribution of courses: 4 years English (incl. Lit. and Composition) 3 years Math 3 years Social Science 2 years Lab Science 2 yrs. Foreign Language (Must be same lang.) 1 year Fine, Visual and Performing Arts
You’ll Need to Pay For… School Costs Tuition Fees (student activity, ID card, computer, etc) Books Supplies/Equipment Room/Board (Meal Plan) Transportation (if living off campus) Mandatory health insurance Fees for online classes Personal Expenses Food (eating out) Phone Car insurance (if driving) Gas (if driving) Parking permit (driving) Clothing Entertainment Credit Card Laundry Personal Hygiene Gifts/miscellanous
How Much…? (‘09-’10 School Year, WA State Residents) Seattle Central CC Tuition : $3,645 Fees:$205 Room & Board: $8,460 (off campus) Books: $972 Other Expenses:$3,018 (transportation, supplies, etc.) TOTAL:$16,300 University of Washington Tuition: $7,125 Fees: $567 Room & Board: $8,949 (on campus) Books: $1,035 Other Expenses:$2,315 TOTAL:$19,991
How Much…? (‘09-’10 School Year) University of Washington (WA State Residents) Tuition: $7,125 Fees: $567 Room & Board: $8,949 (on campus) Books: $1,035 Other Expenses:$2,315 TOTAL:$19,9911 Seattle University Tuition:$29,340 Fees:$495 Room & Board:$8,805 (on campus, dbl room) Books:$1,440 Other Expenses:$3,858 TOTAL:$43,938
Activity: Where is Your $ Going? You make ~$630/mo PT, or $1260 FT Consider: How much your parents make What you have to pay for (slide 3)
Financial Aid Basics FAFSA: General Guidelines ALL grants, loans, work study, etc. is based on FAFSA! Apply ASAP after Jan 1 Check Student Aid Report (SAR) for errors Print & make copies of everything!
Financial Aid Websites (FAFSA e-signature) (FAFSA online) (FAFSA4caster—financial aid estimator & next steps; info transfers to actual FAFSA) (financial aid info & help) (interactive website on college—why go, how to go, how to pay; incl. info, videos, tools, college plan)
Funding Sources: Grants Pell Grant: Federal grants for undergrad. students. Range: $976-$5,350 ACG: Academic Competitiveness Grant; for college freshmen and sophomores eligible for Pell Grants and who took "rigorous" classes in high school (i.e. AP, 4yrs Eng/Math/Sci + 2yrs lang). $750 (1 st yr)-$1300 (2 nd yr) FSEOG: The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant. For undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. $200-$4000
Funding Sources: More Grants National SMART Grant: The National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant; for college jrs and srs majoring in math, technology, engineering, certain foreign languages, physical, life or computer sciences. Must have GPAs of at least 3.0 in majors. Range: Up to $4000 TEACH Grant: Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grant; students planning to teach in schools serving low-income students. Must teach for 4 yrs in approved school after grad. Up to $4000. Opportunity Grant: For students studying in approved, high demand prof-tech programs (CTCs; prog. differ by school). 45 credits, up to $ $1000 for books
Other Financial Aid Work-Study: Provides PT jobs (mostly on- campus) for students with financial need to help pay for education. Up to 19 min. wage. Eligibility through FAFSA. Scholarships: Start with hs counselor’s office, college foundations, local orgs (e.g. Seattle Milk Fund, Gates Millennium United College Fund), hs career centers. Also: – (sponsors 4 local colleges) – (long-shot, last resort)
Quiz: Do You Know What it Takes?