Results of the SIO Survey on Electronic Systems within International Organisations Anne Crétal- EBRD (SIO, September 2006)


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Presentation transcript:

Results of the SIO Survey on Electronic Systems within International Organisations Anne Crétal- EBRD (SIO, September 2006)

Background September 2005: EBRD and UNHCR volunteered to do a survey on electronic records management / document management/ archives systems January 2006: questionnaire sent to SIO members End February 2006: responses received from 30 organisations March 2006: compilation sent to UNESCO for inclusion within the Guide to the Archives of Intergovernmental Organisations

RESULTS TABLES By Organisations By System Types

RESULTS 1- Records Management Systems Systems used by more than one organisation are: iRIMS/ LLRS from Open Text: EBRD, UNHCR, WHO Livelink RM from Open Text: Cedefop, ECB, IAEA TRIM Context from Tower Software: UNICEF, UN International Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, UN Secretariat

RESULTS 2- EDMS Fewer systems in use Systems used by more than one organisation are: Documentum: ITU, WMO Livelink: Cedefop, EBRD, IAEA, UNHCR TRIM Context: UNICEF, UN International Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, UN Secretariat

RESULTS 3- Archives Systems used by more than one organisation are: Clara from Ever Ezida: Historical Archives of the EU, ICRC, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie TRIM Context: UNICEF, UN Secretariat, World Bank Group

WHAT’S NEXT? Results of the survey to be made available in a revamped Guide to the Archives of Intergovernmental Organisations Presentation by Dieter Schlenker from UNESCO to let you know more about it