ELENA Project GBAR Experimental area L ayout / time scales / questions F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
ELENA in CERN AD hall F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Existing AD machine ELENA ASACUSAALPHA ATRAP AEGIS BASE GBAR AEGIS 2 All drawings by O. Choisnet
GBAR Exp area layout F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Racks Main access Secondary Access / exit Laser rooms Linac Bunker Laser rooms
GBAR Exp area layout F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Access to Exp area Access to Linac
What CERN will install and pay Shielding around experimental area (not bunker) Cooling water distribution up to valves on the wall Electrical power sockets on the wall Access control / interlock Gas detection / ventilation Laser barracks + concrete slab Racks (SPS type 800 x 600 x 2400 mm) Control room (already available) Storage and preparation space in bdg 393: 20 m2 already available Access to workshop and cleaning room in bdg 393 F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
GBAR Linac Bunker layout F. Butin / ELENA collaboration 2 x 40 cm concrete 40 cm iron
GBAR Linac Bunker structure F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Recycled LEP dipole yokes Concrete Iron
LEP yokes F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Must be filled with concrete, + reservations for lifting bar cleaned, painted, transported About 1000 available…
Lifting jig for LEP yokes F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
Blocks details F. Butin / ELENA collaboration GBAR 03/06/2015 L (cm)l (cm)h (cm)W (kg)MaterialOwner PU (chf) Dwg ref Quantit éPrix (CHF) Réutilisation TFA (blocs en grande qté) Bloc béton DEHA Béton standard M. Lazzaroni1500 CE _B Bloc 1684 béton DEHA Béton standard M. Lazzaroni300 CE _C Bloc 884 béton DEHA Béton standard M. Lazzaroni200 CE _B Bloc 1688 béton DEHA Béton standard M. Lazzaroni500 CE _B Bloc 888 béton DEHA Béton standard M. Lazzaroni250 CE _B Bloc 1684 fonte CERN EN-GJS U-RT M. Lazzaroni9400PSZJSM__ Bloc 884 fonte CERN EN-GJS U-RT M. Lazzaroni4775PSZJSM__ Bloc 844 fonte Taraudé EN-GJS U-RT M. Lazzaroni2300 LHCJRB _B Bloc 842 fonte CERN EN-GJS U-RT M. Lazzaroni2300 PSZJS M__ total brut Total participation ESTIMATION (CHF) blocks 910 tons !
La particularité du bat 193 ne permet pas un accès aisé et rapide pour les livraisons (seule une petite partie des remorques est accessible avec le crochet du PR 591 (zonage orangé). De plus, le stockage sur place est très limité, ce qui implique une réalisation en flux tendu… Livraison des 438 blocs nécessaires : ~3 semaines/3 personnes -> 2.25 FTE/mois En recouvrement pour une partie Réalisation du blindage : ~3 semaines/3 personnes -> 2.25 FTE/mois 1 FTE/mois = 8100 CHF soit 4.5 * 8100 = CHF (courtesy S. Pelletier, EN-HE) F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Courtesy: Serge Pelletier EN/HE Transport input
Alternative with more LEP yokes F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
Alternative with more LEP yokes F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Cost cut by about factor 2 Not validated by RP yet Known to have issues Suppresses main access
Consequences of more LEP yokes F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Loses main access Secondary access remains OK with safety rules
Takes a lot of space ! F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Aegis 2 Big impact on ASACUSA laser hut
Time scale All bunker blocks are available at CERN Booking ASAP, when financing is secured Start blocks transfer and assembly in AD hall ASAP (impact on AD): 16th November 2015 Simultaneous assembly estimated to last 4 weeks: could be finished by end 2015 Rest of shielding installation (exp area) + laser barracks depends on GBAR schedule F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
Possible scenarios for antiproton physics up to LS2 Scenarios for Antiproton Physics in 2017 and 2018 Courtesy: C. Carli As shown to SPSC 15 April 2015 LS2 ?
Main questions to GBAR Detailed installation schedule ? Confirm interface with LNE50 transfer line (see drawing AD_LM_0083 and AD_LM_0077) F. Butin / ELENA collaboration Please check Catia model With O. Choisnet !
Main questions to GBAR (2) Updated experiment layout Catia model Estimates of ozone release Number, position and types of power sockets to be installed Negociate with PH a location at CERN for more storage ! Come to a conclusion on Linac shielding (…) F. Butin / ELENA collaboration
Linac Bunker Costing Concrete blocks: 56 kCHF Iron blocks: 646 kCHF Cleaning + paint: 10 kCHF Concrete in LEP yokes: 20 kCHF Transport + handling: 37 kCHF Total: 769 kCHF F. Butin / ELENA collaboration