Traumatic Brain Injury
Bell Ringer 10/21 We are going to go over your notes and handout from yesterday. You will turn it in for a grade if you haven’t already!
Objective/Agenda Define, identify Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) 1. Go over bell ringer 2.Notes Traumatic Brain Injury 3. Reading case study: Phineas Gage (if not finished, then for homework)
What is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?
Who is the typical person with TBI? 4:1 ratio, males to females 15 to 25 years of age 1.5 million brain injuries per year in US Alcohol is the leading risk factor
Two types of brain injury occur Closed brain injury: a fall or car crashes. Open brain injury: Being shot
What happens immediately after TBI: Tissue damage Bleeding/swelling Loss of consciousness/coma Post-traumatic amnesia (PTA)
Injured Brain Does not mend fully Leads to problems in brainfunctioning Three levels of ‘severity’: Mild, Moderate, Severe Injury: depends on tissue damage
Recovery A multi-stage process Continues for years Differs for each person
What is the Long-term Impact of a Moderate or Severe TBI in the Person’s Functioning?
Long Term Impact, Areas affected: Cognitive functions Attention Concentration/Confusion Memory
Areas affected: Sensory/perceptual functions Vision Hearing Smell Taste Touch Balance
Physical Changes Physical paralysis Chronic pain Control of bowel and bladder Sleep disorders Appetite changes People with TBI may also experience seizures
Social-emotional Irritability Aggression Depression
Mild TBI– what it is Lesser levels of brain damage Brief or no loss of consciousness Often referred to as ‘concussion’
Symptoms of mild TBI Symptoms/ areas affected will not be as bad as those with severe or moderate
How can you prevent it? How do you think you can prevent TBI???
Case Study: Phineas Gage