Dorothy Moeolo
Autobiography Slide Hans Christian Anderson is a Danish author and a poet noted for children stories. Hans Christian Anderson was one of Denmark’s famous authors and is very well known for his children literature. Anderson was born in Odense on April 2, He is the son of a shoemaker, Hans Anderson and Anne Marie Andersdatter. Obviously he was named after his father who sadly passed away when Anderson was at age 11. He attended a city school for poor children and left Odense at age 14 in search of a career as an artist in Copenhagen. After years of disappointments, Anderson finally got his first break. In 1829, his first play, Love in St. Nicolai Church, was produced. Several years has pasted, his reputation mostly relied on his played until they were no longer produced. So then he started writing books and novels. He published one of his first of a 156 fairytale in 1835 and continued writing them until he died. Anderson was a sensitive man who eagerly sought fame and success.
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