Anabolic Steroids Caroline Bocknek
Table of Contents Background ▫Steroid Hormones ▫Anabolic Steroids ▫Brief history ▫Controversy Advantages and Disadvantages ▫Advantages ▫Disadvantages ▫Summary Effects ▫Effects on the endocrine system ▫Effects on homeostasis Conclusion
Steroid Hormones Lipid-based Lipid-soluble Composed of four carbon- based rings Diffuse through cell membranes Bind to receptor proteins that start transcription
Anabolic Steroids Compounds that are made to mimic male sex hormones Come in the form of a pill, gel, cream, or injection Used to build muscle mass in people who have anemia, osteoporosis, cancer, and HIV/AIDS Used to treat problems that result in low testosterone levels
In Canada, a prescription is needed to legally obtain anabolic steroids There is a market for illegal anabolic steroids In most competitive sports, the use of anabolic steroids is banned.
Brief History First created in the 1930’s as an attempt to create synthetic testosterone During the Second World War, artificial testosterone was found to be helpful for the performance of soldiers Became popular among Olympic, professional, and even high school athletes By 1976, steroid use was banned from the Olympics In 1988, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act was passed
Advantages Greater muscle mass Increased protein synthesis Increased bone-mineral content Higher red blood cell count Faster healing Higher self-esteem
Short-TermLong-Term -Reduced sperm count (men) -Heart damage -Impotence -Pain while urinating -Excessive hair growth (women) -Breast reduction (women) -Acne -Weight-gain -Higher blood pressure -Swelling -Water retention -Liver disease -Breast development (men) -Testicle shrinkage (men) -Deepened voice (women) -Enlarged clitoris (women) -Abnormal menstrual cycles (women) -Heart attacks -Damage to the liver -Damage to reproductive organs -Hair-loss -Lowered HDL cholesterol and increased LDL cholesterol
Overall Effects Can raise confidence, improve the absorption of minerals, lower body fat, and increase muscle mass Gained muscle mass must be maintained through regular training Steroid usage may also cause mood swings and depression (withdrawal symptoms)
Effects on the endocrine system and homeostasis
The Endocrine System Over time, enzymes deactivate and break down a hormone that is no longer needed One dose of an illegal anabolic steroid can be 10 to 100 times greater than a prescribed dose Repeated injections make it difficult for the body to rid itself of extra hormones The extra hormones put a strain on the body
Homeostasis Many hormones are regulated by negative feedback loops Regular injections of anabolic steroids disrupt these feedback loops
Conclusion Anabolic steroids help build muscle mass, but only with regular training Anabolic steroids can be legally prescribed to treat low levels of testosterone Illegal steroids have disadvantages that outweigh their advantages Excessive use can disrupt the endocrine system
Sources phttp:// p htmlhttp:// 277.html mhttp:// m EM43/CHEM43/Steroids/Steroids.HTMLhttp:// EM43/CHEM43/Steroids/Steroids.HTML