Rounding a Number Estimating a number by determining which “Landmark Number” it is closest or nearest to: 84 rounds to rounds to 500 $8.42 rounds to $8.00 Landmark Numbers Numbers that stand out and are easy to use. We use Landmark Numbers to help us solve problems They include: doubles, tens, hundreds about closest to
Impossible An event that will never happen Money will never fall from the sky for us to fly up and grab. Certain An event that will always happen. If you don’t have an umbrella, and it is raining, you will get wet.
More Likely An event has a better chance of happening than not happening. Less Likely An event has a better chance of NOT happening than happening.
Graph A visual display of data tally Marks used to keep track of an amount
Fact Family A group of addition/subtraction facts OR multiplication/division facts that use the same set of numbers in different combinations Fewer (Less Than)
Greater (More than) Equally Likely An event that has exactly the same chance of happening as another event