Warm-Up Break into 2 equal groups.
Consumer Finance Chapter 1 Earning Money
Lesson 1 Wages Calculate the weekly wages NameHourly RateHours worked 1. Terrell$ Liam$ Caitlyn$ Brad$3.1534
Lesson 2 – Annual Salary Estimate the annual salary –NameHourly Rate –1. Abe$11 –2. Juan$9.15 –3. Alejandra$8.45 –4. Tiffany$6.25
Lesson 3 – Time Worked Find the number of hours worked by each person and then convert the time to minutes AM PM –NameIn OutIn Out –1. Lee6:00 11:002:00 6:00 –2. Kim10:00 12:001:00 5:30 –3. Juan9:45 12:302:15 7:00
Lesson 4 – Overtime Calculate time and a half AND double time RATES Hourly Rate –1) $8.00 –2) $7.50
Lesson 4 – Overtime Calculate total hours, regular hours, time and a half, and double time hours Hours Worked Each Day (#2 Sunday is a holiday) MTWTFSS 1) )
Lesson 5 – Regular Wages Plus Overtime Calculate a persons Total Wages Hourly Rate Hours Worked 1)$ )$ )$ )$9.1561
Lesson 6 – Tips Calculate the persons total wages including tips NAME Hourly RateHours WorkedTips 1. Carissa$7.3532$ Rob$5.0040$115 pd 3. Bill$ $ Mark$4.9580$3.50 ph
Lesson 7 – Piecework Calculate the employees total wages ItemsRate $ $1.35 Daily Production M T W TH FRate $ $4.15
Lesson 8 – Rounding Money Round each problem to the nearest dollar, dime, and cent 1. $ $ $3 4. $
Lesson 9 – Salary Find how much each person would make for each different payment category MoneyStatus 1.$975Biweekly 2.$2500Semimonthly 3.$4250Monthly 4.$8256Bimonthly
Lesson 10 – Percents and Decimals
Lesson 11 – Commissions Find how much each person would make for commissions SalesROC 1.$ % 2.$ % QuotaROCSalesBonus 1.$ %$ % 2.$ %$ %
Lesson 12 – Commissions plus Salary Find how much each person makes SalesROCSalary 1.$ %$750 2.$ %$ $ %$ $565077%$32000
Lesson 13 – Net Pay Calculate each persons net pay Gross PayFed TaxState TaxS.S.MedicareHealth
REVIEW TEST TOMMORROW –Don’t forget vocab is on your test. –I will be grading your notes as well MAKE YOUR CHEAT SHEET