Week 8 October 21-25
October 21, 2013 World History Bellwork: “Medical Science was one area were surprising advances had been made in ancient times in India. Specifically these advances were in the areas of plastic surgery, extraction of cataracts, dental surgery, etc., These are not just tall claims. There is documentary evidence to prove the existence of these practices.” Describe what this quote means. In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work for First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Notes on Rome, Han Empire. 4.Roman Empire Questions and Chart 5.Han Empire Guided Read and Map 6.Gupta Questions 1.Bellwork 2.Gupta Quiz! 3.Notes: Africa Golden Goal : Students will understand, the rise, fall and culture of early African Civilizations. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
1.Bellwork 2.Continue Antigonish performances and Performance critique. 3.Reflection Prompt: Describe your performance, what could/should you do next time to make it better, 100 words (1/2 page) October 21, 2013 Bellwork: Whose performance was best last week and why? In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work for First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Movie Questions: Who Framed Rodger Rabbit 4.Antigonish Blocking and How to create a scary performance Drama Golden Goals : Students will be able to demonstrate and articulate what makes a scary performance. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work from First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Notes (Science Fiction & Horror) 4.Play performance review questions: Stargazers 5.Peer Review 6.Night of the Living Dead 7.Production Requirements and Play performance review: Night of the Living Dead 1.Bellwork 2.Work on Horror Play 3.Rough Draft Due Tuesday 4.Binder Check Today! October 21, 2013 Bellwork: Watch: Amy’s TorchAmy’s Torch Write 2 specific directive comments for the author of this horror film. Theater Production Golden Goal Students will be able to articulate what makes a play horror, and demonstrate that in their own writing. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
October 22, 2013 World History Bellwork: Watch: The Salt CaravanThe Salt Caravan Answer: Describe the salt caravan. In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work for First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Notes on Rome, Han, Gupta, Africa 4.Roman Empire Questions and Chart 5.Han Empire Guided Read and Map 6.Gupta Questions 7.Africa Questions 1.Bellwork 2.Notes: Africa Golden Goal : Students will understand, the rise, fall and culture of early African Civilizations. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
1.Bellwork 2.Introduce The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, assign performances 3.Read: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 4.Exit Ticket: In one paragraph, describe the plot of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow October 22, 2013 Bellwork: Watch: Sleepy HollowSleepy Hollow Describe the real people and places that inspired Washington Irving’s story. In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work for First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Movie Questions: Who Framed Rodger Rabbit 4.Antigonish Blocking and How to create a scary performance Drama Golden Goals : Students will understand the historical influences of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and be able to describe the plot. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work from First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Notes (Science Fiction & Horror) 4.Play performance review questions: Stargazers 5.Peer Review 6.Night of the Living Dead 7.Production Requirements and Play performance review: Night of the Living Dead 1.Bellwork 2.Work on Horror Play 3.Rough Draft should be finished by the end of the hour (peer edit tomorrow!) 4.Binder Check Today (If you did not turn it in yesterday) October 22, 2013 Bellwork: Watch: WithinWithin Write 2 specific directive comments for the author of this horror film. Theater Production Golden Goal Students will be able to articulate what makes a play horror, and demonstrate that in their own writing. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
Wednesday No bellwork World History: Work on Africa Questions Drama: Work on Sleepy Hollow Questions Theater Production: Peer Edit your Horror Plays
October 24, 2013 World History Bellwork: Watch: AxumAxum Answer: Describe the Axum Empire. In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work for First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Notes on Rome, Han, Gupta, Africa 4.Roman Empire Questions and Chart 5.Han Empire Guided Read and Map 6.Gupta Questions 7.Africa Questions 1.Bellwork 2.Africa Quiz 3.Africa ACT Reading Quiz 4.Binder Check Monday! Golden Goal : Students will understand, the rise, fall and culture of early African Civilizations. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
1.Bellwork 2.Work check from yesterday 3.Assign Blocking: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 4.Practice 5.Binder Check tomorrow October 24, 2013 Bellwork: Watch: Sleepy Hollow TrailerSleepy Hollow Trailer Listen to: Here and NowHere and Now Describe how the show is different from the original story we read Tuesday and how the experts feel Irving would feel about the TV show and why? In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work for First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Movie Questions: Who Framed Rodger Rabbit 4.Antigonish Blocking and How to create a scary performance 5.Sleepy Hollow Questions Drama Golden Goals : Students will understand the historical influences of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and be able to describe the plot. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work from First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Notes (Science Fiction & Horror) 4.Play performance review questions: Stargazers 5.Peer Review 6.Night of the Living Dead 7.Production Requirements and Play performance review: Night of the Living Dead 1.Bellwork 2.Review: The Elements of a Horror film 3.Rough Draft and Peer Edit should be finished, 2 nd draft due Monday! 4.Binder Check (If I haven’t seen it this week) October 24, 2013 Bellwork: Watch: DollfaceDollface What elements of a horror does Dollface have? Where and how? Which ones is it missing? How could the filmmakers add the ones that are missing? Theater Production Golden Goal Students will be able to articulate what makes a play horror, and demonstrate that in their own writing. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
October 25, 2013 World History Bellwork: Watch: Mayan CalendarMayan Calendar Answer: Describe the Mayan Calendar. In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work for First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Notes on Rome, Han, Gupta, Africa, Mesoamerica 4.Roman Empire Questions and Chart 5.Han Empire Guided Read and Map 6.Gupta Questions 7.Africa Questions 8.Mesoamerica Chart 1.Bellwork 2.Notes: Early Mesoamerican civilizations 3.Homework: Mesoamerica chart 4.Binder Check Monday! Golden Goal : Students will understand, the rise, fall and culture of early Mesoamerican Civilizations. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
1.Bellwork 2.Watch: The Legend of Sleepy HollowThe Legend of Sleepy Hollow 3.Answer: Sleepy Hollow Movie Questions 4.Binder Check October 25, 2013 Bellwork: Write out your lines for the Sleepy Hollow scene. In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work for First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Movie Questions: Who Framed Rodger Rabbit 4.Antigonish Blocking and How to create a scary performance 5.Sleepy Hollow Play Questions 6.Sleepy Hollow Movie Questions Drama Golden Goals : Students will understand the historical influences of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and be able to describe the plot. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com
In Your Binder Should Be… 1.All Work from First Progress Report 2.Bellwork 3.Notes (Science Fiction & Horror) 4.Play performance review questions: Stargazers 5.Peer Review 6.Night of the Living Dead 7.Production Requirements and Play performance review: Night of the Living Dead 1.Bellwork 2.Review: The Elements of a Horror film 3.Rough Draft and Peer Edit should be finished, 2 nd draft due Monday! 4.Binder Check (If I haven’t seen it this week) October 25, 2013 Bellwork: Watch: TrappedTrapped What elements of a horror does Trapped have? Where and how? Which ones is it missing? How could the filmmakers add the ones that are missing? Theater Production Golden Goal Students will be able to articulate what makes a play horror, and demonstrate that in their own writing. Mrs. Abbott’s Weebly: Mrsabbottophs.weebly.com