T ABLE OF C ONTENTS 1) What is Four stage Plot Development? 2) Setup 3) Complicating action 4) Development 5) What is Dangling Cause? 6) Dangling cause #1 7) Dangling cause #2 8) Dangling cause #3 9) What is a Motif 10) Motif #1 11) Motif #2 12) Motif #3 13) Conclusion 14) Work cited Page
W HAT IS 4 STEP PLOT D EVELOPMENT ? Occurs at the conclusion of the story Loose ends are tied up and the story ends The turning point of the story Action reaches a peak Out come of the conflict is decided Could result in a change in the character or the solution of the problem Occurs as the story continues Central conflict as the plot b/c more complex problems and complications arise Suspense builds as characters struggle to find the solutions to the problems Sets the stage for the story line Characters are introduced Setting is described Exposi tion Complicati ng action Resolution (Falling action) Climax
R AIDERS OF THE L OST A RK P LOT D EVELOPMENT ( SETUP TO COMPLICATING ACTION ) At the start of the movie you see Indiana Jones on an adventure. To find a statue in the jungle. Then we meet his archenemy Belack found Indiana in the jungle and takes his hard work for his selfish reason. And that was to find The Lost Ark. Indiana Jones at that point went to Marion to see if she could help him with what he wants to know. But she ends up being his partner to find the Lost Ark. Indy needs to get the approval to go find the Lost Ark. Before the notice's do. Later his friend told him He had the approval.
R AIDERS OF THE L OST A RK P LOT D EVELOPMENT ( COMPLICATION ACTION TO DEVELOPMENT ). When Indiana Jones and Marion went to Egypt. To find the Lost ark. Marion gets kidnaped by the Nazis. It is up Indiana Jones at this point to save Marion from the Nazis. The Nazis were already close to the Lost ark. but Indy found were the ark was first while he was undercover. Indiana Jones finds the Lost ark in the cave hiding in the mist of where the notices were digging.
R AIDERS OF THE L OST A RK P LOT D EVELOPMENT (D EVELOPMENT TO CLIMAX AND RESOLUTION ) Then the Nazis took the ark right out of Indiana’s possession and took the lost ark to a privet island. Indiana followed them and was capered by them with Marion Belack opened the Lost Ark to find not knowing the lost souls to kill his whole army and him. Indy knew if Marion and him would keep their eyes shut from the Last Ark’s souls they would not be killed by the lost ark After the Last ark took the souls out of the Nazis and put them away in the Arks hollow chest. Marion and Indy went back to the officials. They decided to store the ark in a storage center.
W HAT IS D ANGLING CAUSE ? Essentially Dangling causes is simply foreshadowing in film. This is something you see or here in the beginning of the film. Then becomes clear towards the end of the film. Its what makes the film create suspense. Most people when they are watching a movie don’t pay much attention to Dangling Causes and are confused all the way through the movie.
S NAKES We can assume a dangling cause when Indiana Jones jumps into his friends air plane and sees a snake yells at his friend that “I hates snakes!”….. then later in the film, Indiana Jones found were the Lost Ark was hidden. that cave was full of all kinds of snakes. He then says to his friend “why dose it have to be snakes. I hate snakes.”
M EDALLION In the bar seen we know the medallion is a dangling cause. B/c of the fact the antagonist was asking if Marion had the medallion. Then he found it later on in the seen. The bar was on the fire and the medallion was in the fire he went o grab it. Then was burn in to his hand…latter on in the film we see once he had the imprint in his hand he had very important part to get the Nazis one step closer to find the Lost Ark.
M ARION BEING DRUNK When we first see Marion in the film, we know she is tolerant to hard alcohol because she won a big guy to a Drinking contest…. So later in the movie she uses that to her advantage to try act drunk to get away from Nazis.
W HAT IS A M OTIF ? A motif is recurring events like repeated idea, image, or pattern though out the film and helps reflect the theme of the text. There are 3 steps to track a Motif: 1) Identify the reoccurring pattern 2) Track the pattern 3) Then ask yourself; What is the purpose or meaning from this pattern Motifs could be lots of things: noticeable color theme, a verbal phrase that is the theme, or it could be an item/ sound for certain characters through the movie.
I NDY ’ S T HEME Indiana Jones’s motif is a heroic music sound. We know this song is Indiana’s song because he does something to make the song comes on that we all know as the audience he is in the seen doing what he dose best. His song is clearly shown in 2 examples: 1) In the very beginning of the film he is running away from the Aztec tribe and then jumping in to the water swimming on to his air plain then flying away. With the bow and arrows being shot at him. 2) Indiana Jones saves Marion from the Nazi air plain before it blows up.
M ARION ’ S T HEME Marion has a sweet romantic feel to her music when the film was referring to her particularly. We as the audience can refer her in a shot in the film with out a narrator saying to us she is there or doing this. Here are 2 examples : 1) Indiana Jones and Marion were traveling to Egypt together. 2)When Marion gets kidnaped by the Nazis they put her in a truck and drove away. But Indiana thought she was in the truck that he saw blow up. So the next seen we see is when he is at the bar drinking and Marion’s music comes around in the background. So we know he is thinking about Marion.
A RK ’ S T HEME The Lost Arks Motif was a darker and evil sound of music. So the audience can infer the Lost ark is something to not take lightly and it has a dark evil element to it. We here this dark music for the Lost Ark in 2 examples that are easily ponied out: 1) Indiana is wanting to find the lost ark and has to get the higher archaeologists in his profession agree with him to find the Lost Ar. He pulls out the picture of the Lost Ark to them and dark music stands out on this particular seen. 2) Another time is when Indiana Jones finds the cave where the Lost ark was hid under ground. while Indy and his friend were taking the lost ark out of its temple the dark music told us the is the Lost Ark.
C ONCLUSION I liked the movie. I liked the character Indiana Jones the most because he was the hero through the whole movie.
W ORK CITED P AGE Lucas, George, dir. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Paramount, Film. 20 Sep 2012.