Envision Tutorial Horner APG, LLC July 18, 2007
Introduction The Cscape Remote Viewer allows remote interaction with the user interface on Horner OCS devices. It performs by running a copy of the user interface on the PC and exchanging data with the controller using a variety of methods (serial, Ethernet, wireless…). R1, R4… R3 = 178
Terminology Device File – Graphical information used to recreate OCS screens on the PC. Project File – File containing the configuration for a group of devices and communication settings. Device – Controller that will be connected to the PC for remote view. Synchronous – Screens on the PC and Device are identical. Asynchronous – Screens on the PC and Device can be different.
Interface Overview Screen Zoom In / Out Previous Screen Screen Thumbnails Next Screen Menu Items
Interface (cont.) New Connection Open Device File Reconnect Open Project File
Interface (cont.) User Name Logged in Current Screen Number Screen Zoom Level Communication Status: Online or Offline
Starting A Connection Select the “New Connection” from the File menu. Select the communication options based on your connection method. Use a Timeout of 1000 mS for standard serial, CAN and Ethernet communications. Use larger values ( typically) for modem, wireless and internet connections.
Upload Your File After starting a new connection you will be asked if you would like to upload the file from the connected device. The device configuration will be uploaded from the unit to the PC. Save the device file to your PC for use later.
Load a File from Disk Select File | Open Device File and choose a file to open. If your communication method has not changed, select File | Reconnect to Controller. Otherwise return to the Communication Settings under Tools.
Interacting with Remote Devices In Asynchronous mode, the screen shown on the device and the screen shown on the PC may not match. Some screen navigation techniques that work when using the devices interface, may not work from the PC. Generally screen navigation will use the soft keys or touch screen objects or menu objects that allow navigation from screen to screen. In asynchronous mode the screen navigation buttons can be used. They look like this: These allow move forward and backwards though the screens or allow a thumbnail view of the screens for direct navigation.
Interacting with Remote Devices The thumbnail view allows viewing twenty screens at a time. A screen can be selected by left clicking on the desired screen.
Interacting with Remote Devices When communication to devices that have touch screens, interaction use the left mouse click to work with objects, just as one would use their finger. Pop-ups will appear for data entry.
Interacting with Remote Devices Key based devices use left mouse clicks to simulate clicks on the keypad. Selecting an object with arrow keys and enter is not required. To edit an object simply left click the mouse.
Connection Status The status bar will show on-line, offline or fault. Offline shows the unit has not been connected. Fault shows communications were started by a comm failure has prevented updates.
Connection Status The lost connection icon shows when the screens are not be updated with live data.
Project Manager To view the project manager, Make sure the Show Project View is selected from the View menu Project manager allows the configuration and organization of multiple devices. Connecting to different device only requires two mouse clicks.
Project Manager The project manage has two modes, editing mode as seen on the left and connection mode as seen on the right. To switch between modes, use the tab on the bottom
Adding Devices to a Project Start with the project manager in the edit mode and select add. The dialog shown in the lower right will appear. Press the Add Uploaded file to assign the file for the device, the device name and the network ID.
Adding Devices to a Project Set the device communication options as required. If desired check the synchronous mode option. This option will keep the screens on the PC and the screens on the device synchronized. This will provide a user experience closer to using the actual device but may interrupt a local operator if another operator is using the PC interface at the same time.
Selecting a Device with the Project Manager Once all the devices are added, place the Project Manager in Device List mode. This allows switching between the interaction of devices. Double click the device name or select and press the connect button to connect to a device and start interaction.
Saving or Opening a Project Projects can be saved or opened using the File menu. Once a project is configured select Save Project. A project can be opened later by selecting the Open Project File item.
Licensing & Protection The software will run for 4 days after initial install without activation. The time left in the demo is shown in the menu bar.
Licensing & Protection To active use the Help Licensing menu item. To activate press the Generate key button, send the key to Horner. An unlock key is return to the customer.
Licensing & Protection The activation key is tied to the MAC ID of the PC used for activation. By uninstalling the software and re- installing the 4 day demo period is re- started.
Security Envision RV uses the upload and remote view security passwords from Cscape for initial protection. If only the upload password is know then only read-only access is allowed. The remote view password allows full access and allows setting additional security settings for viewing.
Security The Tools | Security menu opens this dialog. This allows setting the user name and password for an administrator and three users. Pressing the permissions button allows setting the security permissions for each user.
Security For each user, each screen can be set to No Access, Read / Write and Read only. Buttons to the right allow quickly setting all the screens as a starting point for configuration. Security data is saved with the device file. Entering one of the assigned passwords here will not require knowing the password for the OCS.
Extras The Tools menu allows reviewing the device status and diagnostic information.
Extras The Tools | Options menu items allows opening the last device file and / or project file the next time the software is started.