O PENING S TATEMENT Your first line should state exactly what your side is arguing: “We believe the colonists should remain loyal to Britain and not seek independence,” or: “We believe we, the colonists, have a right to seek our independence from Britain.”
W HAT ’ S INCLUDED The rest of the statement needs to SUMMARIZE in PERSUASIVE LANGUAGE why your position is the strongest. You don’t want to give too many details, but you should explain the strongest points you want to make. You should have at least 2 solid points to make, but you can have more.
W HAT IT ’ S LIKE Think of this opening statement like a story you are telling about why your argument is the most convincing. Consider using QUOTES that you think are emotionally powerful. You MUST appeal to people’s sense of REASON and EMOTION.
L ENGTH AND D ELIVERY The opening statement will probably be 1 page long, and should not take more than two minutes to read. When you present your opening statement: speak slowly, clearly, loudly. Do NOT stumble over your words. You should know the writing well enough to feel CONFIDENT and COMFORTBALE as you present your position.
I NTERNAL C ITATION MLA format Garcia, Elizabeth. "Herzog: a Life." Online Film Critics Corner. The Film School of New Hampshire, 2 May Web. 8 Jan Will appear in your text as: One online film critic stated that Fitzcarraldo is "...a beautiful and terrifying critique of obsession and colonialism" (Garcia, “Herzog: a Life”).
Q UOTING INDIRECT SOURCES ? Ravitch argues that high schools are pressured to act as "social service centers, and they don't do that well" (qtd. in Weisman 259). You will use qtd. in (to say quoted in) This is for sources that cite other sources
N O KNOWN A UTHOR ? We see so many global warming hotspots in North America likely because this region has "more readily accessible climatic data and more comprehensive programs to monitor and study environmental change..." ("Impact of Global Warming" 6). You’ll use the title of the article and the page the information is found on (or alternatively the paragraph number)
M ULTIPLE C ITATIONS... as has been discussed elsewhere (Burke 3; Dewey 21). This is for a book and will be formatted as the first internal citation Separated with a ;