The Evaluation Focuses on Four Broad Areas: ◦ Program Quality ◦ Public Policy ◦ Public Awareness ◦ Funding/Sustainability
1. Capacity and outcome measures for sub grantees and the State of Missouri including: ◦ Academic Achievement ◦ School Day Linkages ◦ Advisory Councils/Boards ◦ Grant Goals ◦ Staff Development ◦ Individual Program Evaluations/Uses of Data ◦ Sustainability ◦ Marketing
2. The role of DESE and its effectiveness in promoting quality afterschool programs. 3. The role of the Missouri Afterschool Network as a partner in promoting quality programming and technical assistance to grantees. 4. The sustainability efforts of afterschool programs after grant periods are completed.
All Students Served All Students Served All Adults Served All Adults Served Both Summer and School Year 2,0661,87315 School Year Only15,41815, Summer Only1,8371, Total Individual Participants Served 19,32119,
Number of Students % Number of Students % Change Attended fewer than 30 days 10, , % Attended 30 days or more 8, , % Total:19, ,