Управление на проекти в Уеб
Уеб проекти УП за разработката на Уеб проекти е много подобна за УП за други индустрии. Основните дейности са същите – планиране, създаване на времеви графици, писане на документация, управление на deliverables и milestones, организиране на срещи, управление на екипа.
Специфика на проектите за разработка на софтуер Основна разлика е динамичността Как се работи и разбират очакванията в реалната ситуация. Проектите за разработка на софтуер и уеб се приемат с лесни за промяна технологии Очакванията на клиентите са, че промяната на спецификациите може лесно да се осъществи... което да постави под въпрос съществуването на проекта...
Фактори на промяна Промяна в технологиите. Уеб технологиите се променят близо на 6 месеца. Увеличение или намаление на бюджета на проекта. Обикновено клиентите се опитват да предоговорят повече функционалност за сумата, коята могат реално да отпуснат. Конкуренцията Клиентът обикновено иска нещо по-добро от това, което добре работи при конкурентите му.
Фактори на промяна Работата на екипа. Технологиите позволяват експериментиране, промяна на методите, нови инструменти... Проблемът е, че експериментирането на един човек в екипа може да коства много за проекта. Промяна на бизнес модела. Уеб поръчителите могат да решат да променят основна логика на изпълнение в средата на проекта...
Задачи на Мениджъра на проект за разработка на софтуер Осъществяване на комуникация между клиента и членовете на екипа. Определяне на технологичния, функционалния и дизайнерския обхват на проекта. Създаване на проектна документация·функционална спецификация Създаване на времеви графики Управление на проектните milestones. Организиране на срещи
Управление на работата по deliverables в различните ресурсни групи. Управление на вътрешните и външните конфликти Мотивиране и стимулиране на екипа по проекта.
Управление на екипа Обикновено нямате възможност да избирате вашия екип Екипът може да се променя (нови хора се присъединяват или членове от екипа напускат....)
Роли Project stakeholder (also client or business owner) Project manager Producer Editor/copywriter Information architect Graphic designer HTML developer Developer Tech lead Database administrator Quality assurance engineer
Уеб проектите имат обикновено следните задачи Три отделни функционални роли Съдържание Графичен дизайн Технологично изпълнение
Дефиниране на проект The Creative Brief Needs Assessment The Project Charter The Statement of Work Use-Case Scenarios Wireframe Mockups Content Map Tech Requirements Meeting Application Flow Diagrams Technical Specification Project Risk Assessment
Web project is a temporary endeavor that employs Internet technologies to achieve a specific objective by creating or enhancing a unique product. To qualify as a project, it must do the following. · Produce a unique outcome or deliverable · Be finite in duration, having a clearly defined beginning, middle, and end · Require work · Seek to fulfill a measurable objective
The Creative Brief Project definition begins with the creative brief. A creative brief is a work request containing: a high-level description of the business objectives functional requirements The creative brief may consist of an accepted proposal or a form that project stakeholders inside your company are required to complete.
The purpose of the creative brief is to communicate the objectives and describe the major deliverables of the project, including significant features and deadlines. The brief should include business objectives, desired launch date, user profile, budget, project description, success metrics, a list of model Web sites, and a feature summary.
Getting Started with Internal Initiatives Internal corporate initiatives are particularly susceptible to the phenomenon of runaway requirements. This is due to the fact that true costs are often difficult to measure in the absence of rigorous employee time-tracking and profit-center accounting. Since the real costs are unclear, project stakeholders have little incentive to limit the scope of their ambitions. New project managers who are struggling to establish a process for handling Web initiatives within their organization usually begin by creating templates for project stake holders. The creative brief is the most common of these documents. While the introduction of a creative brief template is a crucial step in gaining control over the project, it can provide a false sense of security. The creative brief is only the first of a series of documents that must be created in collaboration with project stakeholders.
Project Documentation · Project charter · Statement of work · Wireframe mockups · Content map · Application flow diagrams · Technical specifications
Here are some tips for conducting a needs assessment. · Provide a questionnaire for project stakeholders that will help them to clarify their thinking about their new initiative.
· Solicit examples of existing projects that are similar, and then define the similarities and differences between existing projects and the proposed initiative.
· Define your terms as you go along (for example, "What do you mean by 'category' versus 'section'?"). · Communicate ideas visually with diagrams and sketches.
· Paraphrase/repeat back each important concept to demonstrate understanding of the issue, to clarify a point, and to reassure.
· Ask the client to envision how the Web site will change over time. · Solicit suggestions for future enhancements.
The Project Charter The mission, which conveys the general purpose of the project · The business objectives, which justify the project in terms of the overall company strategy · The main deliverables, which define the primary outcomes of the project. These outcomes should present a solution to a strategic business problem, described in terms of what benefits the customer or end-user will derive from the successful completion of the project.
Scope Overview A project must be finite in duration and produce a measurable outcome. While it is not necessary to anticipate each activity that will appear in the project plan, a summary of the top-level project phases should be presented in outline form. This section should answer the question "How will we know when the project is over?" It is also extremely useful to list major deliverables that are related to the project but fall outside the scope.
Success Metrics The primary concern of project stakeholders is the expected return on investment (ROI). By showing sensitivity to this issue and presenting a plan for measuring results, you can manage expectations and be sure that clients appreciate the benefits they will receive from the project. Each major deliverable identified in the strategic objectives section should have a corresponding measure of success.
The Statement of Work · Explore the project objectives at a greater level of detail than what was brought up in the creative brief. · Find out what determines a successful outcome for the project and how this outcome can be measured.
Resources · Core project team roster with a brief description of roles and responsibilities · Approval procedure for major deliverables · Timing and format for periodic status reports · Deadline for the final project deliverables · Spending limit or burn rate, in terms of staff manpower and cash · Project constraints and tradeoffs— for example, is the deadline a more crucial factor than the cost?