Hexaflexagon Explanation
180 Million Years Ago (MYA) Super continent named Pangea
120 MYA Antarctica, Australia, and India separated from Africa Africa and South America were still connected North and South America were not connected Greenland was attached to North America and was lying on the Prime Meridian Italy was in the middle of the Mediterranean The Mediterranean was open at both ends Most of Africa was found to be south of the Equator
60 MYA SSouth America split from Africa IIndia separated from Antarctica and Australia and headed north NNorth and South America rejoined GGreenland separated from North America but is still on the Prime Meridian TThe Mediterranean closes on the western edge IItaly is still in the Mediterranean AAfrica has started heading northward MMadagascar has separated from Africa
Today India slammed into Asia forming the Himalayas Australia and Antarctica split Africa continued moving north and closed off the eastern end of the Mediterranean Greenland and North America have moved west of the Prime Meridian Italy slammed into Europe forming the Alps.