Overview of space-ground coordination Dec 15 ( 2 mo): Apogees around 6UT (MMS 12MLT, Phase 1a / THEMIS 23MLT). Northern winter. Europe on dayside, North America on nightside Jun 29 ( 2 mo): Apogees around 15:30UT (THEMIS 12MLT / MMS 24MLT, Phase 1x). Southern winter. South Pole on dayside, Australia on nightside Jan 12 ( 2 mo): Apogees around 6UT (MMS 12MLT, Phase 2a / THEMIS 24MLT). Northern winter. Europe on dayside, North America on nightside Jul 22 ( 2 mo): Apogees around 15:30UT (THEMIS 12MLT / MMS 24MLT, Phase 2b). Southern winter. South Pole on dayside, Australia on nightside Toshi Nishimura and Vassilis Angelopoulos
2 Year 1 Northern Winter 2015 Dec 15 ( 2 months) UT ARTEMIS MMS RBSP THEMIS RBSP THEMIS MMS (ARTEMIS) Global (SuperDARN GMAG, TEC) Canada (ASI, RISR) Alaska (ASI, PFISR) DMSP Geotail Cluster Satellite footprints High-latitude ground observatories Greenland (Sonde, ASI) Svalbard (EISCAT, ASI) SWARM Dayside MMS, ARTEMIS (New Moon)/Geotail, RBSP—Svalbard Nightside THEMIS, GOES—North America
Year 1 Southern Winter 2016 Jun 29 ( 2 months) UT Satellite footprints High-latitude ground observatories THEMIS MMS (ARTEMIS) RBSP SuperDARN GMAG, VLF MCM SYO P3 SPA P1 ARTEMIS MMS RBSP THEMIS Geotail Cluster ERG DMSP Global (SuperDARN GMAG, TEC) Canada (RISR) Alaska (PFISR) Svalbard (EISCAT) New Russian SuperDARN Northern hemisphere SWARM Dayside THEMIS, ARTEMIS (New Moon)/Geotail, ERG, GOES—Antarctica Nightside MMS—Antarctica, Australia, Russia Greenland (Sonde)
Year 2 Northern Winter 2017 Jan 12 ( 2 months) UT High-latitude ground observatories MMS RBSP THEMIS MMS RBSP Satellite footprints ERG ARTEMIS (no prediction data for ART, GT, CL) DMSP Global (SuperDARN GMAG, TEC) Canada (ASI, RISR) Alaska (ASI, PFISR) Greenland (Sonde, ASI) Svalbard (EISCAT, ASI) SWARM ARTEMIS Dayside MMS, ARTEMIS (New Moon)/Geotail —Svalbard Nightside THEMIS, RBSP, ERG, GOES—North America 4
5 Year 2 Southern Winter 2017 Jul 23 ( 2 months) UT MMS RBSP THEMIS Satellite footprints THEMIS MMS ARTEMIS RBSP ERG ARTEMIS DMSP High-latitude ground observatories SuperDARN GMAG, VLF MCM SYO P3 SPA P1 Global (SuperDARN GMAG, TEC) Canada ( RISR) Alaska (PFISR) Greenland (Sonde) Svalbard (EISCAT) New Russian SuperDARN Northern hemisphere SWARM Dayside THEMIS, ARTEMIS (New Moon)/Geotail, RBSP, ERG, GOES—Antarctica Nightside MMS—Antarctica, Australia, Russia
Expected data—Dayside Dayside auroral brightening/Reconn ection Fast flow Polar cap/Lobe Nightside auroral oval MMS DMSP (ARTEMIS) THEMIS RBSP Background: Real imager and radar data. Satellites would detect the source and transport of the dayside/nightside transients. Near magnetopause [Turner et al., 2013] 6 |B| Ti Vi Ion Ele N V Low-altitude [Nishimura et al., 2014] 12MLT 24MLT
Nightside auroral brightening/Reconn ection Polar cap flow channel Polar cap airglow patch MMS THEMIS RBSP SWARM [Moen et al., 2007] Expected data—Nightside e6 2e6 0 04:48 04:5004:52 UT B [nT] V [km/s] Auroral intensity THEMIS February 26, 2008 THEMIS P1 [Angelopouos et al., 2009] More ground observatories are coming and fill the gaps. 7 (ARTEMIS)
The proposed coordination will maximize the use of Heliophysics System Observatory (HSO), and will provide opportunities for global space-ground observations simultaneously. This will open a new door to connect dayside, polar cap and nightside phenomena that have traditionally been discussed separately. e.g., Reconnection, Fast flow channels, Auroral brightening (PMAF/PBI) Intense collaborations between space and ground communities are essential to make this campaign successful. If we missed any key groups or instruments, please let us know. Teams we have contacted so far; Satellite: THEMIS/ARTEMIS, MMS, RBSP, Geotail, ERG, WIND, DMSP, SWARM Imager: NORSTAR, OMTI, AGO; Svalbard, Alaska, South Pole, McMurdo, Syowa Radar: SuperDARN, AMISR, EISCAT, Sonde Ground mag: ULTIMA, CARISMA TEC, VLF, Riometer Summary 8