Fascinating Facts from the Coldest Place on Earth!!!
How cold is it? The Antarctic is an extreme environment, yet marine and land animals have adapted to the extreme conditions! The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth was -129F in 1983 at the Russian Base Vostok in Antarctica.
Who Lives Here?! Penguins Seals Birds Whales
Penguins There are 4 different types of penguin that breed in Antarctica. Adelie Chinstrap Emperor Gentoo
Whales There are 8 species of whales that are found in Antarctic waters; Blue, Fin, Humpback, Minke, Orca, Sei, Southern Right, & Sperm
Seals There are 4 species of Seals in Antarctica Crabeater Leopard Ross Weddell
Let’s Review How Many Types of Penguins live in Antarctica? A. Four B. Five C. Two D. None
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WAY TO GO.. This answer is correct!!!
Next time…. Animals from Australia!
References Many thanks to Roger and Georgette Smith for their original photographs! Thanks to pdclipart.org for the clip art images!